Chapter 12: Rude Awakening

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Waking up, feeling drowsy from the night's intoxicating company, Cer looks around and does not recognize the environment. The smell, the sound, and the lack of mana-outlines of buildings set a feeling of uneasiness in Cer. Where am I, and how long have I been asleep?

As Cer scans the area for danger, a sudden melancholic longing washes over Cer. Ugh. I wonder how Pupu's doing? I hope she hasn't destroyed The Apiary. Don't worry Pupu. I will be back soon.

Suddenly, a loud alarm emanates and reverberates throughout the walls and space, startling Cer from the daze into an immediate sense of awareness.

Sensing a familiar aura and scent, Cer hears a recognizable tone from the previous night. "Steady there homie. You had a lot to drink last night and you may not have your balance back. I make a mean mead."

With equilibrium still off balance, Cer blindly grasps the area looking for support from sturdy physical objects while acknowledging the presence. "Ugh. Yes, Buddy. That is a powerful craft you perfected- intoxication and the subsequent hangover. Argh.... What is that blaring noise?"

Not looking up from his preoccupation with cooking, Buddy responds to Cer's apprehension, "That's just an alarm letting the Mech Nights know that something is off or needs fixin'."

"That is correct. Something is off. But, don't worry the citizens can't hear it- it won't alarm anyone but us" announces a familiar voice in Cer's periphery.

Appearing from an entrance undetected, Chishiki rushes towards Cer with urgency to request Cer's assistance, "There is an emergent need at hand. You are requested to the top of the tower, immediately."

Noticing Cer's dis-equilibrium, Chishiki points out his observations with curiosity and intrigue in his voice. "You know, the old Cer would have been able to de-tox by sheer will. I was right to design Fang the way I did. You have no control at all."

"How is Fang supposed to help me de-tox?" Cer asks with annoyance.

Undistracted by the question, Chishiki reminds Cer of their need to reach the top of the tower. "Come, we need to hurry. I will give you lessons on how to use Fang to channel mana on your way up. You can use Fang not just as a cane, but as training wheels for your magic rehabilitation and mana manipulation. Right now, I need you to trust me, I am about to tether-guide you, just give in."

Sensing Chishiki's mana reach towards Cer, Cer remembers Chishiki's instruction and surrenders to the enveloping energy.

"Now that I can manipulate your mana and your body for you, pay attention and keep aware of the flow of mana. I am going to take you to the top of the tower under this 'spell'. We will also travel faster than your hungover, unstable, and blind walking on your own. This tower is disorienting for those that navigate the world through feeling and sensing. "

Tuning into the tethered connection, Cer keenly focuses on the mana flow and the feeling of conducive energy traveling through Cer's body as they head to the top of the tower.


Reaching the top of the tower, Chishiki releases the spell and urges Cer to channel mana autonomously.

Witnessing Cer fumbling to channel mana, let alone walk straight, Nova and Yasmina look at Cer with concern as Cer steps deeper into their space.

Continuing to think aloud, Yasmina shares her thoughts with Cer. "So this won't be as easy as we'd hope it to be. We'll adjust and make do. Cer, whatever's in your box, wants to get out whenever we activate the hex lens in our bubble."

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