Chapter 16: The Reckless Abandon

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Darkness fades, as color breaks into view through the small opening of eyes.

What just happened?

Where is everybody? I hope everyone is still okay. I need to find Pupu. She better be okay.

Did I finally... die...?

Is anyone there? I need to get to Pupu.


I can feel my I can't be dead. That was one hell of an onslaught... my body hurts. Ugh. I can't make anything out.

Where am I? This isn't where we all were. Where is everyone else?

Confused and in a daze, Cer stumbles to stand. "Hello? Is anyone there? Where am I?"

"You are somewhere in between where nothing living willingly goes and where the dead avoid," responds a familiar voice in a soft tone.

Hearing Neko's voice strikes Cer with surprise, " Strange, I couldn't sense you. How did we end up here Neko?"

"I brought us here. You were getting beat up pretty bad. If I didn't take you far away, the damned would have killed you and continued to batter our bubble. They would've broken through and that dark mass would have followed. I took us where nobody finds anything. You recovered pretty fast. You've been out for a couple days."

"Ugh, that explains why I'm so sore and hungry. Where is this place?"

"Don't worry. You are safe. As long as you don't physically leave this room, you should be fine. I can't say the same for your astral self. It left a while ago."

"Astral self? I can't astral or planes walk...I've never been able to do that before and never trained in it."

"You sure? Because a dark shadow left your body and has been running amuck yelling all kinds of things. Sure sounded like you too."

"I have no idea what you are talking about. I can't see anything, or smell anything, or taste anything in the air. I can't even smell or taste your scent. I was beaten so badly my senses are numb. Can you help me? We need to get home, Neko."

"I don't think it is safe outside of here. I am not taking you back to The Mecca either.. I am not gonna die here."

"Until you spoke, I thought I was dead and I was okay with it, so I am ready to die," chides Cer

"As alive as you are, you sound very much dead inside. It's like you gave up," responds Neko with concern.

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