Chapter 23

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"Aliens have visited a few times, to various places in the US. But not as much as everyone wants to believe. Far less actually."

Liam walked with a purpose, as Charlotte picked up her pace to keep up.

"Aliens. I thought maybe they were a possibility, but I wasn't expecting this."

Liam chuckled, " Did you think they'd only be at Area 51?"

"No. I'm not naïve. I know the government has them in DC too. And at DARPA facilities scattered around."

Liam bristled at the mention of the mention of the military program. What could the tiny podcaster possibly know about black programs? He reached the door needed and turned to look into a set of blue eyes.

"Well, at this facility, they only keep souvenirs if you will. Nothing live."

Charlottes eyes sparkled in the dim light, and he caught his chest warming at the sight. Blinking, he shoved the door open with a loud thud. Steel and metal gave way to stark white walls and bright lighting. It took them both a moment to adjust to the contrasting illumination.

Not a soul was in the room, except for the pair. The air seemed to stop moving as Charlotte slowly walked around the glass cases. Fragments of what looked to be broken aircraft were preserved on carefully placed metal pegs. The darkened coloring seemed to glow as she passed by each section. Something within her chest began to ache and softly burn.

Where is this craft from?

Trying to place it, she let her fingers graze over the top of the glass as she walked. A spark lit inside of her. Suddenly, she knew.


"Hmm?" he responded.

"Is this from the crash in West Virginia from the late 1980's?"

He stopped moving and his breath caught in his throat.

"How do you know about that?"

Turning to look at him, Charlotte smiled. "Research for a film. One of my first actually. But it never made it to become anything."

"It wouldn't have. That information is beyond top secret. It doesn't exist."

"That project was one of the worst and now I know why.."

"Did you talk to anyone that was there?"

"Marcus did. I didn't get to before the project was pulled. But I saw a few photographs taken from the crash and it looked just like this."

She turned back to the panels of black and stared. Liam knew that her former career was one that gave her access to more than she even comprehended at the time. And gave her abilities she wasn't aware of, yet. But he didn't know what she was currently thinking and that bothered him.

"So, do you think that the government is hiding more than just downed craft?" he carefully asked.

"I think so, yes. There has to be actual alien lifeforms that were with them. I mean, it only makes sense."

He admired her optimism. And her critical thinking skills. She perused the rest of the craft fragments before stopping at a tall display case in the far corner of the stark room. There were small foreign objects, that she couldn't place lined up on trays of silver. Blinking, she stood closer.

"Have you ever seen one while conducting research?"

"Not here in the US. In Mexico, yes. Well, what the locals considered one. How can you really be sure though?"

"The ones found in Peru that dated back over 1,000 years? Were they in Mexico City?"

Now it was Charlotte's turn to be stunned. She had no idea the head of security for DIA would know so much about extraterrestrial lifeforms. Unless she was right to question his actual job here.

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