Chapter 52

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Hi! Thank you so much to all the readers who are joining me on this journey! Sorry about the wait. I struggled a bit with writers block, but don't worry, I promise there is more to come. 

Remember to like and vote if you are enjoying this story! And don't forget to comment! I'd love to hear from you!!

As always! Stay safe and take care ~ CANGEL


District 4: The Speech

Scarlet Wolfe

     Scarlet wasn't sure what she expected before she had arrived in District 4. It wasn't until just before she left the train that Penelope had handed her the card for her speech, telling her that District 4 had already invited her to a tour and a banquet, so she was not to stray the least bit on the speech portion of their stay or else.

     She had briefly considered the possibility that if she did fuck up the speech portion well enough up, then the tour and banquet would be cancelled, and she could leave the salty-aired district faster.

     You may want to be alone, but you aren't alone.

     The closer she had gotten, the more confused she had felt. Back home in District 14, it had been easy to ignore thoughts about Finnick. Sure, they had crept in here and there, but for the most part, she could stay busy with her carvings, or with helping Mr. Fox at his shop. Hanging out with Cadmium. Now, though, she had long since finished her crystal carving and she had nothing to do in between Districts, apart from sit in silence and think or talk to Verra and Penelope.

     No matter how determined she was to join in their conversation, she just couldn't bring herself to open her mouth and say anything. She could barely bring herself to look at them long enough to read their lips. If she hadn't been right there, she would never believe that this is the petty things that Capitol citizens worry about or complain about.

     Which only left one option.

     Thinking about her pending visit to District 4, and her near certain confrontation with Finnick Odair.

     There was always the chance that she wouldn't see Finnick. The only Victor that she had seen so far was Haymitch from District 12. Perhaps they were scared that she would repeat her actions? Even though they had been unintentional, she had watched the rerun and even she had to admit that it had looked purposeful and wicked. And very, very her.

     Regardless of if Finnick were nervous of getting thrown off the stage by her—and she didn't see him thinking that way at all—if only because he was far too self-confident to think she could ever be a threat to him—he would have to pass on standing in front of the cameras and everyone knew that Finnick loved to be the center of attention.

     Which meant that she would see him at some point during her visit to District 4.

     She definitely didn't hate Finnick—even if she was still angered by his words before the tribute parade, but so much had happened since then. Finnick had given her advice before going into the Arena. He had sent her a gift while she was in there. And he had been there afterwards...Even though they had nothing in common and she didn't even like him most of the time, she could safely say that she didn't hate him.

     Which is why Scarlet had no intentions of fucking up the speech. Finnick had sent her a gift in the Arena. It had saved her life. She owed him thanks and she owed him respect.

The Taste of Death ~ Hunger Games- Finnick Odair/OC FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now