Chapter 18

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Hi! Here is yet another new perspective to view the world from!!!!

A little self-denial never hurt anyone right? 

It's been two years since Finnick won his own games; Let's see how Finnick's doing as a mentor!

Remember to like and vote and comment! I'd love to hear from you!

Stay safe and take care! ~CANGEL


Finnick Odair

     Finnick had a problem.

     As he sat on the couch, staring at the boy and girl that sat opposite him, he swirled the glass filled with brown liquor, and he thought about his problem.

     The problem came in the form of two dark-haired, pale-faced, skinny twelve-year-olds from District 14.

     The wild and overtly aggressive—and apparently decently skilled little girl who had made it beyond clear that she wouldn't ally with anyone going into that arena—not even her own brother.

     And the silver-tongued little boy who had somehow convinced Finnick's tributes that it would be in their best interest to attack the Careers in the midst of the bloodbath. Were his tributes just stupid? Or was that little boy just so fucking clever that he could make a bad idea sound good?

     Because allying with a twelve-year-old over the Careers and attempting to take on the tributes, outnumbered and out skilled, was the dumbest thing that he had ever heard.

     "Why?" He finally asked.

     Mags sat next to him, silent, of course. She'd lost her ability to speak sometime before he'd been born, but still communicated through sign language. Normally, she was calm, a steady and constant stream that helped keep Finnick and everyone around her level and even keeled. But he could tell that even she was frustrated with the tributes in front of her. Finnick watched as she expressed her disagreement with their tribute's new strategy, and he watched as their tributes rebuffed even Mags' suggestions.

     "They don't want to ally with us." Roe said, her face scrunching up in a pout as she crosses her arms. "And they don't take us seriously. They spent the whole day yesterday ignoring us. And today they told us to our face that we weren't joining their alliance!" At sixteen, she was the same age as Finnick, but it felt as if she were just a kid he was trying to corral.

     "I talked to their mentors." He said as calmly as he could, "they would have taken you into the alliance."

     "They're all older than us and more skilled, Finnick. They'll kill us the moment we are no longer necessary." Loach, the male tribute of District 4 said. He was a year younger than Finnick, at fifteen, but nearly just as troublesome as Roe. He wasn't as impulsive, but he was more than content to just sit back and watch as Roe did whatever came to mind.

     "Then you kill them first." Finnick says. "After the bloodbath." The way it's done every year. He thought silently in his head. Honestly, he couldn't believe the words coming from his tribute's mouths. Did they think they'd enter the Arena and stay allies to the very end? It was a fight to the death. Alliances only went so far.

     "Or we can kill them during the bloodbath. With Crimson."

     Idiots. Complete morons.

The Taste of Death ~ Hunger Games- Finnick Odair/OC FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now