Chapter 48

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As we go forward on the Victory Tour, remember that you can always reference the very first section of this Book, Districts of Panem. 

That section of this book is to provide all readers with information that they may not know: districts definitions, purposes, and relevant information laid out for you. I know that I have used it on more than one occasion myself.

Let me know what you think!

Stay safe and take care! ~CANGEL


District 10

Scarlet Wolfe

     Scarlet followed behind the proud Mayor of District 10 as he led her through their largest slaughterhouse. Her first tour. As she walked through the empty, bleak building filled with the smell of death and the familiar copper scent of blood, her prep team at her heels, holding her long train of black fabric, Scarlet sincerely hoped that it was her last one. District 10 wasn't as humid as district 11 had been, but it was a dry heat that pulled the moisture from your throat if you dared stray under the sun for more than a few minutes at a time.

     Scarlet wanted nothing more than to leave the building that she was currently stuck in. She understood that what district 10 did for Panem and provided for them all (mostly) was important. Protein and meats were nourishing and helped build muscle in one's body. And even though Scarlet knew virtually nothing about cattle and chickens and pigs, she still felt bad for the creatures that were trapped in pens, raised and fattened up and then sent to be slaughtered.

     Seeing their carcasses hanging from the ceiling in ordered rows hit a little too close to home for Scarlet's liking. She couldn't help but draw the parallels to her own life, being raised in district 14, being fed and clothed and then, when it was time, sent to the slaughter to better those that had raised her.

     Despite her discomfort, Scarlet had acted fascinated by every aspect of the place. She made sure to ask questions and listen intently to the answers.

     Her attention to detail and commitment to the tour, may or may not have been partially due to the fact that the entourage that followed in her wake was equally disgusted and in even more discomfort than she was at the building they walked through.

     Scarlet had learned what different livestock animals looked like as well as how unpleasant it was to raise them and live near them—though the unpleasantness was her opinion and likely not shared by the rest of district 10, who knew nothing else, other than what they had been born too.

     In the air hung the constant smell of animal waste that you could practically taste in your mouth. For a moment, Scarlet had actually liked the somewhat sweet smell, but within a few breaths, it had become overwhelming, and within seconds she felt like she was being choked on it. She wanted nothing more than to turn around and head back to the train. Scarlet had thought that District 14 was bad, but with each new district that she saw, she was more and more appreciative of the district that she called home. The people were arduous and rough, and it was bitter cold and they were poor, but the air was fresh and the animals stayed in the woods. And for all the lacking that district 14 held, it was a relatively clean and settled place to live in.

     As Scarlet had been given the tour, she had actually had to stop walking and wait for twenty cows to pass on the streets, a few of them relieving themselves with a river like stream and dropping pie-like shit in the middle of the road without a care in the world.

The Taste of Death ~ Hunger Games- Finnick Odair/OC FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now