Chapter 26

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Stay safe and take care! ~ CANGEL


Scarlet Wolfe

     "Now, I know this is your interview, Crimson, but if you don't mind, I'd like to ask you one question in regard to your sister."

     "Ask away, Caesar."

     "As her twin, you likely know her best. If you had to pick three words to best describe your sister, what would they be?"

     "Hmm, let me think: Impulsive. Quick-tempered."

     "I think we all saw that earlier."


     "Excuse me?"

     "You really didn't know?"

     " in..."

     "Caesar...Scarlet Wolfe hasn't heard a single sound since she was three years old."


     Her back burned and stung. Each movement sent sharp, agonizing waves through her body. Scarlet winced, the oversized shirt they had given her before being escorted back here, clung to her dampened skin. She had expected a punishment, but not the searing pain that now throbbed under the fabric and an order for the wound not to be treated.

     She bit her lip, trying to focus on something—anything—other than the pain lancing through her body. This type of pain was something that she was used to back in District 14, but after so many days of luxury, it was like her mind had forgotten how to block out the pain.

     The floor had been dark and empty when she returned. No one had waited up for her. Surrounded by nothing but darkness and silence, Scarlet had watched her brother's interview, turning off the screen as soon as it finished. She lowered herself into her makeshift bed on the floor, laying on her stomach.

     Anger. Betrayal. Hurt. Rage. She should feel those things, but instead, she only felt numb.

     Crimson had exposed her secret. He had laid bare her greatest vulnerability in front of the entirety of Panem. In front of all the tributes she'd be facing in the Arena. In front of Finnick. Why his opinion mattered to her, she didn't want to think about; only that he was sure to return to his original assessment of her. Fish fodder.

      She closed her eyes, a few tears slipping down her cheeks. But even in her pain, she understood her twin's strategy. He was brilliant, cunning, and as ruthless as she had been when she purposefully embarrassed Roe in front of the Gamemaker's in the Training Center. He had reaffirmed the distance between him and her, solidified his alliances, and shattered her image in just three minutes.

The Taste of Death ~ Hunger Games- Finnick Odair/OC FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now