Chapter 35

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Hi everyone! Thank you so much for taking the time to read this far! 

I appreciate you letting the characters continue their journey. 

It's now Day 4 of the 67th Hunger Games, inside of the Arena. Unless something drastic happens, this will be the final day! I cannot wait to see how it will play out between Crimson and Scarlet and the three wolves. 

Be sure to like, comment, and share your thoughts and opinions. I really am dying to know! :) 

Remember to VOTE. 

Take care and stay safe!~ CANGEL


The Arena: Day 4

Scarlet Wolfe

     Her fingers and body were stiff from sitting in the cold. Still, she rose with the sun, standing up without hesitation. She wasn't sure if she'd slept, which was probably a mistake. But she couldn't sleep. How could she? There were only two tributes left in this Arena.

     Today would be the final day of the 67th Hunger Games.

     Today Scarlet and Crimson would fight each other.

     Today, one of them would die.

     And one of them would become a Victor.

     Scarlet shoved both her remaining knives into the holster at her hips and wrapped the razor wire back around her waist. She grabbed the remaining pack of dehydrated protein and the water canister and left everything else behind, leaving the cave for what should be the last time.

     Scarlet's Wave and Cadmium's Crest followed beside her. Like they knew what was about to happen, the wolves seemed somber. Cadmium's Crest in particular, was quiet and even-stepped as he kept pace with Scarlet and his sister wolf.

      As if he knew not to wander far away from them today or else something bad could happen.

     Of course, something bad would happen. But Scarlet tried not to think about that. She would...She would think about it. When she was closer. When it was time.

     Scarlet stopped every other mile or so to take in some water and a bit of protein. She knew she had to keep moving, or the Gamemaker's would find some sick way into forcing her to move. They'd already allowed her the grace of a long, quiet night. But she also knew that she couldn't afford to be dehydrated or starving when she arrived in the Cornucopia. She needed all her strength for the coming fight, in order to have any chance of getting out of here alive.

     As Scarlet drew closer, she forced her mind to turn to the coming battle. She forced her mind to focus on the fight that loomed ahead of her.

     Crimson was waiting for her in the Cornucopia. Weapons. Food. Water. He had every advantage in here. She felt the burning weight of the piece of paper in her pocket.

     He's waiting for you.

     Finnick's words echoed in her head. Crimson was waiting. He'd had all day yesterday and today to prepare. Who knew what would be waiting for her when she got there.

The Taste of Death ~ Hunger Games- Finnick Odair/OC FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now