Chapter 7

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Hi Everyone! Thank you so much for reading this far and I hope you keep on after this chapter! There is so much more to come!

As always, I look forward to seeing your comments. Tell me what you like or dislike, what can be improved. If something funny or sad or tugs at your heart strings. I'd love to know!

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Take care and stay safe! ~CANGEL


Scarlet Wolfe

     Currently, Scarlet rested on the floor next to her bed, tucked between the bed and the wall with a thin sheet resting over her and nothing between her and the vibrating floor of the train.

     It should be a relief to have her own room. But everything about it felt wrong. The bed was too big, and the mattress was too soft. The air in the room was warm and stifling and even the thin sheet that she had now had her body sweltering. Using the thick comforters on the bed was completely out of the question. The pillows on the bed were so puffy that it had Scarlet practically sitting up, especially as her body sank deep into the mattress.

     And even though silence always surrounded her, she was used to the never-ending commotion of so many children being forced to share a room. Even when all were sleeping, there was never a time when there wasn't a child rolling over, or Scarlet wasn't getting an elbow in the side or trying to find the blanket that Cadmium or Crimson had taken.

     In this room there was only herself. The silence and stillness of the darkened room was nearly suffocating.

     She missed Cadmium's heartbeat against her arm as he curled into her side. She missed Honey's steady breaths as she slept curled between Scarlet and Crimson. Scarlet missed the steady comfort that Crimson's presence brought her. Even though Crimson was in the room next to her, it felt like he was a million miles away, growing further and further with each passing second.

     Scarlet let out a soft breath as she fingered the crystal wolf pendant hanging around her neck. Scarlet had carved the pendant, but it was Cadmium who had insisted she wear it to the reaping and in a moment of weakness, Scarlet had agreed.

     Despite his insistence, Scarlet should have left the pendant for him to sell. It was the only carving that she felt confident one of the shopkeepers would buy.

     They had a few spare coins saved up in the basement, but Scarlet didn't know if Cadmium would use them or not. She hoped that he did. If he didn't, how would Cadmium and Honey fair without the extra food and necessities that Crimson and Scarlet had taken great pains to provide for them?

     If she could, Scarlet would go back in time and leave the necklace in the basement. But she could not. So, Scarlet would keep the necklace with her and one way or another, hopefully it would get back to Cadmium.

     Each tribute was allowed to take one item—a single token—into the Arena with them. The token could represent their district, or simply remind them of home. But they could and would be confiscated if they broke the one golden rule.

     The tokens could not give the tributes any advantage in the Arena.

     Scarlet would never forget the tribute who had taken a small wooden ball from her district into the Arena. During the countdown, the tribute had dropped her token and the ball had bounced off her pedestal before the girl could grab it again. Everyone watching saw that it had been an accident—probably caused by nerves and sweaty hands.

The Taste of Death ~ Hunger Games- Finnick Odair/OC FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now