Chapter 27

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Hi Readers!!! 

Before we enter the Arena... I'm considering placing an updated list of the tributes that have been killed (known to Scarlet, of course), to help us readers keep it straight. I will not post it unless I have people saying they want it (it would be updated throughout each chapter from Scarlet's point of view), so if you want this, TELL ME!

Comment and remember to vote! Thank you so much for your support!

Stay safe and take care! ~ CANGEL


Scarlet Wolfe

     As the podium Scarlet stood on began to rise, all she could think about was the throbbing ache in her arm from the tracker they had inserted into her arm. The ache was so constant that it even overshadowed the tenderness of the fresh wounds on her back. Each day that had passed since she'd volunteered had been one step closer to this moment: Entering the Arena.

     Scarlet took a deep breath. Once the podium was fully risen, she would get her first look at the Arena that she would fight until she was the last one standing, or until she died. Embarrassment flickered through her as her stomach started to swirl. She pressed a hand to it and took a deep breath through her nose, wishing she'd thought to bring a small piece of that stupid mint candy that seemed to cure motion sickness.

     As the ceiling began to open, the temperature of the air around her dropped drastically. A shiver passed over her body, fog clouded the air around her mouth. She inhaled a deep breath as her head passed through the opening, chilled air filling and freezing her lungs with every breath.

     The clothes she wore were layered and designed to insulate her against the cold, but she thought Finnick's assessment had been right. The Arena right now, was about as cold as District 14's summer months, though with the clothes she wore, Scarlet was warmer than she'd ever been back home.

     The glare of the sun shone brightly from the clear blue sky, reflecting on the clean, fresh snow, and making it look like she was surrounded by a sea of glass. She looked around the Arena. With the cold, the snow—apart from the other tributes that were circled around the Cornucopia—she could almost convince herself that she was back home in District 14.

     She smiled, a real smile, as she took another deep breath, letting the cold air fill her lungs with familiar prickles. Uncomfortable to most, but to her, it was normal. It was a reminder of home to her.

     But the illusion shattered as she looked up. The countdown had already started. 55. 54. 53. Her mind started whirling with the things she needed to do before leaving the Cornucopia. The Cornucopia itself, a large metal shelter that housed the best supplies, weapons, and made a great shelter, stood surrounded by the tributes. She scanned the Cornucopia a hundred yards out in front of her, looking for anything that resembled knives, blades, or daggers.

     Unfortunately, she couldn't see anything from where she stood. Several larger weapons were spread out in front of the opening of the metal shelter's opening, tempting the other tributes with the thought of getting a good weapon.

    In the bitter cold, even more tributes than usual would be tempted to go there, seeking supplies to help them survive this bitter cold environment. If Scarlet wanted to get her hands on small blades, she knew she'd have to go deep into the Cornucopia immediately. Ambrosia would also be looking for them, as her skills easily outmatched Scarlet's.

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