Chapter 47

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Onward, my good readers! Carry on with the Victory Tour of Scarlet Wolfe. What else can she fuck up? 

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Take care and stay safe!~CANGEL


District 11

Scarlet Wolfe

     When Scarlet had stepped on the stage of District 11, she was prepared to be hated. Once more she was forced to face the families of the fallen tributes. She saw the male's face, Valerio standing proud with crossed arms on the screen. And she also saw him lifeless on the metal floor of the cornucopia shelter with her dagger planted deep into his chest, his blood staining the metal and making it slick.

     Had he burned in the fire she caused?

     When his body had been returned to District 11, was it even recognizable to his loved ones? The mother and father's faces were streaked with tears they couldn't hold back as they tried to offer comfort to the two little ones clinging to their mother's legs. Had they been able to say a final good-bye to their lost child?

     Scarlet forced herself to look away from the male tribute and look at the female one. Heaven. Scarlet hadn't killed her. She would have, if she had come across the 16-year-old girl. But it had been Wolver to kill her, slicing her throat open with a blade he had hidden in his pants. The pack that she had found, had indeed been the female tributes. The berries that Scarlet had enjoyed and utilized as her last meal had been foraged by the girl from District 11.

     She stood in the center of the stage of District 11 and wondered if the people watching were wondering what would come out of her mouth.

     The people of District 11 were mostly dark skinned and brown eyed. So completely opposite of District 14. Even though it was the middle of the winter, the heat surrounded her like a blanket, nearly suffocating her. The sun blazed down on her sweat coated skin. They toiled and worked under this ferocious sun day after day. How they must have been in for a shock entering into the Arena. The girl who had lasted until day 3, earned a marginal amount of respect from Scarlet. Though she hadn't done anything particularly noteworthy, perhaps lasting as long as she had was noteworthy enough? If the environments had been reversed, would Scarlet have even stood a chance? Even now, the air was thick and hot and made it hard to breath, let alone move with any real vigor. 

     "District 11, my greetings and my thanks for the warm welcome." She says into the microphone, sure her voice was steady and calm, even as her fingers clutched a different card placed in her hands by an infuriated Penelope Bright. A card filled with a different lie she was expected to say. "Today—" something bumps against her toe, drawing her attention downwards.

     A fruit.

     What did they call it? 

     She had had one on the train to the Capitol... Penelope had explained all the foods and drinks to Crimson and her, treating them as if they were savages and barbarians with no knowledge or manners. To her credit, neither Scarlet nor Crimson had ever had a fruit before. It was rare that they were able to obtain meat in district 14 as a poor families slaughter-children. 

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