CH. 42 Trust & Press {M}

967 39 13

January 8th, 2012


Megan walks out smiling, followed by Y/N and they wave at the audience. They go crazy for them as they hug Jimmy before sitting down.

"You ok?" Y/N asks her.

"Yea." Megan answers smiling at him making the audience awwww.

"Megan, Y/N.. you two look fantastic." Jimmy tells them.

"Thank you." Megan replies smiling.

"I appreciate it, you look well too my man." Y/N replies.

"Thank you.. Soo, how are you and the baby doing?" Jimmy asks Megan as Y/N stares at her.

"The baby and I are doing fine." Megan answers making Jimmy and the audience clap and cheer.

"We actually had a talk before we came here and Y/N told me about how good a friend you are to him." Megan starts making the crowd awww and Jimmy smile.

Y/N makes a heart with his hands jokingly and Jimmy matches it. The crowd laughs again along with Megan at the two men. They settle down and turn to her waiting for her to continue. Y/N takes out a cylinder item and shakes it.

"We have an update on our baby and we had a private gender reveal party with friends.. We know you couldn't make it so we wanted to announce it to the world on your show. If that's fine with you." Megan tells him.

"Fine with me?! Please, go ahead, i'd be honored." Jimmy replies making them smile.

"You wanna do it or you want me to do it?" Y/N asks her.

"Let's do it together." Megan answers and he nods before getting up the helping her.

"Come on Jimmy." Y/N says as the three walk to the side a little.

"On three everybody come on." Y/N says to the audience and they get ready.

"ONE, TWO, THREE!!" They all yell and the parents pull the string.

Blue smoke shoots out of the container making everyone go crazy. Jimmy hugs Megan and then hugs Y/N.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WE'LL BE RIGHT BACK!!" Jimmy yells as they clap.


Hours Later

"Sorry we're late." Ashley says as her, MK and Lizzie walk to the table.

"It's fine, we were late ourselves." Y/N replies as him and Megan stand.

"How you feeling?" Y/N asks them as they hug.

"I'm fine." MK answers before hugging Megan.

"Y/N's angel." Y/N says as he eyes Lizzie.

"Did you just refer to yourself in third person?" Lizzie asks as they hug.

"Maybe, I called you an angel though." Y/N replies making her chuckle.

"Sit down idiot." Lizzie tells him and they sit beside each other. Megan on his right side while her sisters sit across from them.

"Soo, Ashley, MK.. What's going on?" Y/N asks and they both look at each other before looking at him.

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