CH. 16 Sooner than Later pt3

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After trading insults and disagreeing they all (minus Y/N) turn to Banner who has the scepter in his hand. Y/N is still staring at the scepter as if his life depended on it.

Nat sees the way he's focused on it and gets concerned. Nat stands in front of him blocking his view of the scepter.

"Hey, what's going on?" Nat asks him as she puts a hand on his shoulder.

"The scepter was reaching out to me." Y/N says as he slowly closes his eyes. He looks up at Nat only for him to see her skeleton and insides. He jumps at the sight and falls out of the chair. His breathing gets heavier as he's panicking from what he's seeing.

"Kid" Tony says running to him along with the others. Y/N looks at the rest of them and it's the same as Nat. He only sees there skeletons and a second later he sees their organs.

"Talk to me Y/N." Steve says as he tries to grab Y/N but he backs away until he's stopped by a wall. Jaejae walks up to him slowly as he tells the others to wait.

"What's going on with your eyes?" Jaejae asks him. He closes his eyes but that's doesn't help the problem at all.

"I can still see." Y/N says as he looks around frantically. They look at him concerned and confused because if his eyes are closed how can he still see.

"What the fuck." Y/N let's out as he opens his eyes looking down at his hands and sees bones and nerves.

"He has X-Ray vision." Jaejae says figuring it out. The others look shocked at the mention of it. Nat walks over to them and sits beside Y/N.

"Makes sense, think about it. We still don't know what he is so he could still be getting new powers." Tony says.

"How am I supposed to control this? I don't know what i'm doing. How am I supposed to fight seeing like this?" Y/N says rubbing his head temple with both hands.

"Hey, your gonna be alright. Ok?" Nat says as she turns facing him. She rubs his back with her right hand and rubs his arm with her other.

"All you have to do is get used to it, don't let it control you. You can control it, I know you can." Nat says trying to encourage Y/N.

"What if I- "Aht aht, you can do this." Nat says cutting him off. Nat stands up bringing Y/N up with her.

"Y/N, we're gonna be there with you every step. Alright kid?" Tony says. Y/N smiles after Tony's statement and nods his head.

Y/N turns his head and he sees through the wall and through the helicarrier. When he turns his head to the right he sees a jet hovering with Barton pointing an arrow at them. Barton shoots the arrow and Y/N can see that it's not a normal arrow.

"GEETT DOOWWWNNN" Y/N shouts as he grabs Nat, pushing her out of the way.

The two actors land down in the box and Y/N lands on his wrist.

"Cut!! Good take everybody." Josh calls out.

Y/N screams loudly making Scarlett's stunt double yell for help. He stands up and looks down and can see the two new cuts from yesterday open up.

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