"Yeah she better be or everybody gon feel it" I took a sip of my orange juice. Cash cocked his head back and twisted his lip up. I laughed because he reminded me of that basketball player Russell Westbrook.

"All that tough talk gon leave you with a hurting on that kitty" I damn there spit my juice out laughing at Cash.
"Keep that up we gon  see Alani number two running around here" I preached.
Cash zipped up his grey Nike tech making his way to the back door.
"Shit I don't mind having an army.. Cash love the kids". I smiled knowing he was dead serious but damn I didn't even push the first baby out this nigga wallin. I  made my way to the bedroom to grab my phone off the charger. A text from Cindy popped up letting me know she was 5 minutes away.

I waited out front for Cindy but as I waited this weird feeling came over me. It was like somebody was watching me. I checked my surroundings and it looked like the norm but I was still skeptical.
I been through so much these past couple of months that I couldn't risk losing it all over again.

I reached for my 38 and gripped it tight thinking the worst. Every since shit popped off Cash demanded that I stayed strapped no matter what. At first I was scared but I'm used to it. Cash even brought me to a gun range that him and Rocko put together. They had me shooting at targets in this deserted field behind an abandoned warehouse.

I was in deep thought until I spotted the black Range Rover rolling down the street. I put my gun away knowing that I was good and just paranoid. I didn't want to scare Cindy away.
She was a lil white Bitch like I imagined. She was a bad white bitch, blond hair with hazel eyes, nice teeth, and real expensive taste too. She rolled her window down.

"You must be Payton, hop in beautiful" she shouted out the window.

I did so and she smiled. I gave her a half ass smile. She sensed my shade.

"No worries I know the best of the best and I'll make sure that the shower is nothing but royalty" I liked the sound of that and I decided to cut the girl some slack.  In no time we were ranting about Alani's baby shower.

"So I've been told that you guys are having a baby girl that's beautiful" I rubbed my belly as I looked down at it.

"Yes I'm gonna name her Alani"

"Is that hawaian?" Cindy questioned dying to know.

"Yes I believe so" we both laughed because I had no clue and she knew that I didn't.  I'm just in love with the name so what the hell.
The car ride wasn't long
"So tell me what colors do you have in mind Payton?" We were already at a stop and we begin to walk towards the hall.

"I was thinking pink, gold, white and pink" Cindy jotted the ideas down in her iPhone.

"Oh and I would like there to be big gold balloons that spell out Alani" Cindy begin to write some more things down. I watched her carefully.

With just the colors Cindy took that and turned my dreams of the best baby shower to reality.

"Ms Carter, I'm going to make a few phone calls and in no time you'll be happy for sure.. I'm gonna make this day beautiful for both you and your loved ones" I was relieved because I didn't have to stress myself out about the baby shower planning I knew we were in good hands.

"Is there anything I need to do?" I questioned a bit curious because this all seemed too good to be true.

"No you just worry about what kind of cake you want I booked a cake tasting date for you in Cash" I smiled  because the big things were getting taken care of and plus I get to eat some cake.

"Well I do love cake" we both laughed.

The day was running smooth. We decided to go get lunch. On our way there I noticed the same car since we left the hall following us. It was an all black Bentley with dark tented windows.

"Is there something bothering you Ms Carter?" Cindy asked concerned.

"Yes everything is fine" I lied. By the 5th light the car was still on us. I was panicking but I didn't want to scare Cindy away. So I played it cool. I made a note to call Cash as soon as we touched.

In no time we arrived to Benihana. I told Cindy to get us a table and I'll be there shortly. I stayed in the car and called up cash. He answered on the first ring.

"Wassup baby girl?" He spoke smoothly through the phone.

"Mekhi I think somebody is following me and and I'm terrified I don't know what to do.

Cash adjusted himself in his seat he ran his hand over his waves. The panic in Payton's voice brought back flashbacks from a couple of months ago.

"Listen get out the car and go straight inside the restaurant I know mother fuckers not that bold to try anything during broad daylight"

Cash grabbed his strap out of the glove compartment and place his tool on him.

There was a moment of silence between their phone conversation.

"PAYTON BABY LISTEN TO WHAT IM SAYING AND GO SIT INSIDE THE RESTAURANT" Cash yelled through the phone frightening Payton even more.

"Okay I'm going now" Payton tossed valid parking her keys and walked towards the entrance of the restaurant. Cash was still on the other end of her phone.

"I'm on my way Payton" Cash was doing a buck on the highway. He was in the middle of a transaction with Rocko. Who was sitting in the passenger seat wondering what the fuck was going on.

"Everything cool?" Rocko asked preparing himself for the worst.

"Nah man that was P she going crazy, she told me that some car been following her" both Cash and Rocko were trying to piece shit together.

"Nah it couldn't be" they both said on cue knowing exactly what each other was thinking.

"If it's a third brother than that nigga just gonna have to be chopped up just like blaze and torch" Rocko stated with no remorse.

Trifling Bitch (An Urban Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now