The Plan, Part 3

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The next day, you wake up alone, and seeing how the sky is high, the plan has already started. You go take a shower to refresh yourself and go to Poisson, at this hour, Furina might already be there, after being... harassed by her people...

When you arrive, you go as quietly as possible, you keep your voice shut and look for Furina, Aether and Paimon, when you do find them, they are already hiding in one of the house, away from the people who just harassed Furina.

Perfect, now you just have to wait a little.

After a few minutes, the house began to shake with Furina still inside, your role is almost over here. You hurry to leave the place and go to the Opera Epiclese, where Neuvillette is waiting for you, during the entire travel, you walk fast but hiding how much the it is tiring you. The second you enter the room where Neuvillette is waiting, you finally drop the act and collapse knees on the floor, catching your breath.

"Aniès ? Are you okay ?"

"I... did as fast as I could..."

He comes closer to you and gives you a glass of water, you drink it fast and feel already better, you just need a few minutes to be really able to breath, but there is no time.

"How did it go ?"

"The three of them were in the house, and it's coming in just a few minutes, are the people already in the Opera ?"

"Yes, just as planned, thank you for this precious information, you can go and meet Lynette in the front seat, I'll be in mine soon."


You have a sad look in your eyes, he kneel in front of you and raise your face to look at him while caressing your cheeks.

"You're still worried, aren't you ?"

"How can I not be... what we are doing is... so cruel..."

"I know.... but we don't have the choice and you know that."

You nod and sigh, Neuvillette hugs you tenderly and caress your back, you return the hug, thankful to have him by your side.

"It will be over soon, I promise."

He kisses you tenderly, you return the gesture and you both broke it after a few seconds, you know it will be difficult, but you can't panic now, you have to put your mask on and do a proper show to not fail. Neuvillette helps you to stand up and you go out of the room, he stays inside for now, in your case, you join Lynette in the front seats just like Neuvillette told you, she waves at you when you sit and you wave back.

Lyney is already on stage, starting his show, the same house as the one in Poisson is just besides him.

It's not hard for him to keep the public entertain while you wait for the house to be ready, it helps you to relax and you really are amaze by his magic.

"Ladies and gentleman, please, witness this magnificent entrance, the person we all waited to arrive, with just a snap from my fingers, this person will appear in this house, in front of your eyes !"

This is it.

After his sentence, he wait just a second to create the suspense, and snap his fingers, the house open itself in a few parts, revealing Furina with Aether and Paimon, she doesn't understand what is happening and is starting to panic.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes my opening performance. Now, without further ado... we may proceed to the trial of our God."

While Lynet leave the stage to sit next to his sister, Furina seems to compose herself and understand what is happening.

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