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This is it.

The day of the trial.

You are in a constant panic right now, focusing on a calm rhythm help you a little, even if it's hard for you to relax. You don't want to be late or even take any risks, you are in front of the Opera a long time before the trial, people might look at you strangely, seeing a girl in front of the Opera, looking at the door for a long time now, but you just can't care about that.

Finally, after what seems like hours, the doors are finally open for the public, you don't waste a single second and go right to the seat you got yesterday, in the front line.
You look everywhere but you can't see the traveler, Paimon or the twins, they may be in another room to prepare themselves.

"Well well well, you can't wait any longer aren't you ?"

"Huh ?"

You look around you to see who is talking to you, when you look up, you can see the one and only Hydro Archon, Furina.
Suddenly, you can't focus on any calm rhythm at all.

"L-Lady Furina ?"

"Exactly, that is me, Lady Furina, The God of Justice ! You can't wait to see my victory, that is why you were waiting at the doors since a few hours."

"Hours ?! I waited for hours ?"

"You lost track of time ? This is not a surprise, after all, you are a witness of yesterday's crime and you will be the witness of my victory today, a lot happened to your mortal life in just two days. Don't worry my dear subject, this won't last any longer, soon, your desires will be true and I, Foçalors, will show to these criminal the definition of Justice !"

"You saw me yesterday too ?...And well... Actually... Lyney is my-"

"I know I know, he is a friend of yours, you might be really disappointed to heard that he is in reality a murderer..."

"I don't-"

"But don't be afraid my dear, soon I will put him in jail, you have nothing to worry about, you will be safe very soon !"

"But I'm not-"

"The trial will begin in just a few minutes now ! It's only a matter of time before my precious victory !"

"Okay that is enough."

You both went silent, well, it's not really like you could talk.
Neuvillette just arrive in the Opera, as the Chief Justice, it's normal for him to be here, to supervise the trial.

"Lady Furina, with all the due respect I own you, you are making this lady uncomfortable. If I may use your words, a lot happened to her in just two days, in that case, I would like you to use some tact and go to your place in the prosecutor seat before the trial begin."

The room went silence before Lady Furina laugh loudly.

"My, my, Monsieur Neuvillette, I didn't know you two were that close, but you are right, I have to go and take my seat. Watch and learn how to win, my subject !"

And in a second, she is gone, not saying sorry for the state she put you into.

"Aniès ? You're panicking again."

"I-I'm sorry Neuvillette... It's too much recently..."

"I know, things are going to calm down when the trial is over, I hope for the best."

Just like yesterday, he took your hand to place your fingers on his jugular, you feel his cold skin and his pulse under them.

"But right now, focus."

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