The plan, Part 1

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 The next morning, you wake up alone just as expected, it's still early so Neuvillette might be talking to Furina right now. You get up and do your morning routine before going down to meet Neuvillette in his office, however, the closer you come, the better you can hear... shouting ?

It feels off... it doesn't seems like any of their kind to yell, neither having an argument.

"Finally you're here !"

Sédène is calling for you, she is behind her desk but quickly joins you in front of Neuvillette's door.

"Sédène ? Is everything alright ?"

"I ... I don't think so. It's been a while now since I heard these two shouting, but... I don't know what to do. Do you know if something happened between them ?"

"I... I'm sorry I... I do know why they are arguing but... I prefer to not talk about it, it's something... private if I must say, and honestly, I know Neuvillette wanted to talk to Furina this morning about this, but that's all he told me, he didn't told me any details about this meeting."

"Alright... but maybe you could try to speak to them and ease the situation ?"

You think for a moment, it's hard to make a decision, you want to interfere and stop them indeed, but in the same time...

"I'm sorry Sédène, but I don't think we should go inside and interrupt them... I know it's difficult to hear an argument, but I know that when Neuvillette is working, it's best to not interrupt him, and you probably know this too. Plus, I don't want to risk myself in this conversation when I don't know precisely what they are talking about, I'll wait here, and when they are done, I will go in and see what I can do to ease the tension."

"Hm... I guess you know them better than I do in a certain way, I will trust your judgment then."

"Thank you, and by the way, Paimon and Aether will arrive in a moment, we all agreed to meet."

"Alright, thanks for the information, I won't insist in that case, if it's really important, I know Monsieur Neuvillette will tells me later himself."

"I can imagine, still, sorry for the noises..."

"Don't worry, it will eventually pass, I just hope it won't get worse..."

"Me neither, but I don't think they will fight, they are friends and civilized people, everyone can get into an argument, and as much as it's surprising, even them."

"I guess you're right, I should go back to my desk, take a seat while you wait for your friends."

"Thank you."

Sédène goes back to her desk and as she suggested, you sit down on the couch, hoping to not disturb the people who are working, you're still worried about the situation, it's so strange to hear them arguing, but there is nothing you can do at the moment... Soon after, Aether and Paimon finally entered the room, they spot you and joins you.

"Hi Aniès !"

"Hi Paimon, hi Aether..."

"Wow, are you alright ? You have a strange face."

"Sorry Paimon it's just... Neuvillette and Furina are arguing right now, and I'm stressed about the situation..."

"They are arguing ?! It doesn't sound like them ! Why not going inside then ?"

"Just like I told Sédène, I don't want to interrupt them, and I don't want to risk saying anything wrong to try to ease the tension. I don't know what Neuvillette told Furina and I don't know what she answered either, I may have heard them arguing, I couldn't hear precisely what they were saying, and I prefer not to eavesdrop."

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