A little chat

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Warning !

There will be really important notes at the end of the chapter, be sure to read them before reading the next chapter.


 A few days passed, you noticed that your were going to more and more trial, firstly because it interest you, and secondly because this is the only moment you can see Neuvillette, even if it's just a little, and finally, you don't have a lot of work to do these days.

Well, it's like you could work, you are an underwater cartographer, but with your current state, you can't work.

Sometimes when you are lucky, after the trial, Neuvillette will come to talk to you, even if it's just a few minutes, you were both happy with this.

Freminet tried to help you with your phobia, you hate to call this a phobia, but sadly, that's what the water became to you. You progress really slowly, crying a lot about this, you hate to think that progress don't come as fast as you want.

Right now, you are only able to let the water reach your ankles, you started to slowly give up, you don't want to, you need to be close to the water, you need to swim, it's important for you and your work.

It's just so hard to be patient in this type of cases.

One night, you went close to the water, took your shoes and pantyhose, you can't walk into the water alone, it scares you, so you choose to sit down and let the little waves touches your foots themselves.

This night is pretty warm, the sky is clear, you can perfectly see the stars, no clouds in sign.

At least the sea of stars let you be with them.

"Mind if I join you ?"

You jump a little, you weren't expecting anyone to come here, it's late after all. You turn around and smile, seeing who is here with you.

"Of course not, come Neuvillette."

He join you on the ground, not wondering if the water soak some part of his clothes.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be there these days as I promised."

"You don't have to apologize, I saw that you are busy, even more with Tartaglia in jail. Don't blame yourself please."

He nod, but he doesn't smile.

"How's progress going ?"

You sight and look at the water.

"Not really great I'll admit... I'm able to let the water reach my ankle, with Freminet with me, but that's all... I don't know if I will heal anymore..."

"Don't say that Aniès, maybe it will be a long process, but you will succeed, I know it, Freminet will be there no matter what, and I will try to be here too."

You nod, neither of you say anything for a few minutes.

"I talked to Lady Furina."

You turn to face him, he is still looking at the water.

"She agree that I deserve to rest, and she hopes that she will be able to give me a few days off some times, recently is just... not the time. Things aren't going great I will admit, we are doing our best."

"So you are still exhausted."

He lower his head, you don't need any answer, you know it already.

"Since I'm here, do you want to try ?"

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