Letting the Small Things Win (Chapter 128)

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You: Sae-san, if I may.

Sae: What is it? Make it quick, then get out of my house.

You: We didn't mean any disrespect, honest. We were in a rough spot, and I came to see Makoto this early in the morning to check on her. One thing led to another, and you found us like that.

Sae: All the more reason to stop "this".

You: Makoto has been a massive joy in my life since moving to Japan. I don't think I could have found a more amazing person to fall for than her. She takes a lot after you and your father; I can tell she wants to honor you both. I am sorry you had to find out the way you did; I know that doesn't show me well, but I promise I respect you and her all the more dearly. I would love to have your blessing as her older sister, my partner, and the only family that I can talk to. Please let me continue to date Makoto.

A short silence follows after your sudden outburst. Sae sighs briefly before reaffirming her stance.

Sae: This conversation is over. I know you can be a good guy, but I don't want you involved with my sister anymore; that is final. I am sorry, but please leave.

You: *Sigh* I see. I'm sorry for bothering you, Sae-san. Makoto, I'm sorry. I'll leave you two be.

Makoto: B-But..!

Sae: Leave it Makoto.

Getting up from your seat, you turn and face the door and proceed to walk toward the hallway. You want to cry, the painful feeling of this moment crushing your heart. It was worse than any feeling ever. It made your affliction child's play compared to this deep pain...

Makoto: NO!

You feel soft, warm arms wrap around your waist. Makoto hides her face in your back; a wet feeling hits your back as Makoto's tears stain your clothes. You try to move, but she keeps you still.

Sae: Makoto, let go of him now.

Makoto: No! I won't let him go; I never will. He is too important to me. Saying goodbye to the man I love like this... Hurts beyond anything I have felt.

She felt the same way as you. It was crushing.

Sae: Makoto, I am not going to do this; let go of him now, or I will have to force him out.

Makoto: I won't let you!

Sae: For the love of... Makoto, go to your room now! This is over.

Makoto: I'll show you... I'll show you why he is the person I want in my future!

Makoto slips her hands underneath your shirt. You jump in surprise, but she quickly pulls your shirt over your head, revealing your back to her sister, who can't help but stop in place. Unable to see her face, Sae was definitely "distracted" by your physique. But that wasn't Makoto's intention for this act...

Makoto: This scar... This large scar happened because of me.

You: Makoto, you don't need to-

Makoto: Shut it! I'll be the one to show her my mistakes, and I am proud to show her what it means to me.

Sae: Ahem..! He's got a large scar; what does that have to do with anything?

Makoto: It has to do with everything. I caused this scar because I was a stupid little girl. And without this scar, I would undoubtedly be dead...

Sae: What?


Makoto: Just before we got together... I got mad at him for a misunderstanding and ran from him. I felt betrayed by him, but he chased after me because he was worried. It was raining hard that day, and I didn't see the bus. Y/N jumped and shielded me from being hit, and he got a nasty cut. He could have easily died if I wasn't an idiot. He made sure I was safe above himself. He made me his top priority every day. Even when we weren't together, he always looked out for me. That's what made me realize how much I loved him... And that he loved me too... I don't know what I would do if he weren't by my side anymore! I love him... Sis... I love him so much it hurts... But I don't mind hurting as long as he is there for me...

Makoto's lips quiver, and she gently pulls your shirt back down and grips it tightly. You can't help but turn and wrap your arms around her. Pulling her close, you gently rub her shoulders.

Sae: I've seen enough...

You: I am sorry for intruding.

Sae: You. Stay.

Makoto: What?

Sae: You heard me. He stays.

Makoto: You mean it?

Sae: Don't get so excited; I had a long day as it was.

You: Sae-san...

Sae: Look, you saved my baby sister... If you did that for her, putting yourself at risk is reckless, but I thank you for it. You might be willing to stay, but you two must behave. I won't have this place be filled with you two love birds alone if I can help it.

Makoto: Sis... Thank you!

Makoto runs and hugs Sae. Sae blinks as she blushes and gently hugs her back.

Sae: You are still a little girl clinging to me like that, you know...

Makoto: And you're a big softie...

Sae: Hmph... As if...

The two sisters laugh, and you are welcome to be there.

Sae: You two have exams today, don't you? I know it's pretty early, but I'll give you two a ride to school in a minute; I need a shower. *Walks to the bathroom* Oh, and so we are clear, please keep it to just kissing.

Sae slips into the bathroom to turn on the shower, leaving you and Makoto by yourselves. Makoto cups your cheeks with a giggle and gives you a big kiss before hugging you tightly. You gently rub her head and sit with her...

Persona 5 Royal: Makoto X Male Reader OC- The Forgotten Shadow (Part 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz