Introductions and Back Story

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Hello, and welcome to a new project that I have decided to write. As for you to know, the Oc has a default starting  name if you so wish to choose the name to proceed with. However you may bring your own input to the story by changing it to whatever you wish, the story will follow Y/N L/N Rules (Your Name, Last Name). 

Now for the context and info

Sai Takayo- Age 18- Height: 5"10- Hair: Medium Length, smooth and parted style, dyed dark black- Eyes: Well rounded, Dark blue color, noticeable small scar just above the left eyebrow.

Back Story: 2 years ago, Sai suffered an incident that involved him which caused a serious illness to cause him to be transported to Japan where a specialist doctor was able to evaluate him. Sai's Father, Hiyato Takayo is a successful business man who started to live in the United States at the age of 20 and soon met and married Sai's Mother, Veronica, in which they had Sai who is an only child. 

Being born of a Japanese Father and an American Mother, he shared some unique appearance from both and gets confused from time to time as Japanese and American from many people. Sai learned Japanese from his Father pretty fluently and living in the American Schools was highly capable and was top of his classes in many subjects. Regarded as a Prodigy by teachers and peers, was also found with envious students and staff who thought he was treated with special attention because of his Father. 

Sai found himself targeted by bullies and would come home with bruises and cuts that worried his Mother. His Father barely present due to work never heard of his issues as he asked his Mother to keep quiet about it and that he would find some way to deal with the bullies that didn't resort to violence. His Mother, burdened by the status of being married to a very strong figure knew that her Husband wouldn't be happy to hear his son in such affairs took it upon herself to trust her son to resolve the issue since he was very strong willed and capable for his age. However, when Sai was ready to tackle his problem at school, he was ambushed by the bullies and brought their entire gang of delinquents and demanded that they be paid a massive amount to leave him alone for now as they knew he was well off. 

Knowing that this wouldn't solve the issue and wasn't the right choice, Sai wanted to talk things out and come to an understanding, the bullies only laughed and insulted him and his family. Then they began to threaten Sai that they would beat him badly if he didn't pay them. Sai being fed up with the injustice of bullies and punks who prayed on the weak decided to stand up for himself and vowed to put an end to their schemes. It was at that moment where a sudden pain bore into Sai, causing him to break down in front of the bullies who were shocked at the sight. Something happened that day to Sai which caused him to have an unknown and mysterious illness that put him into a semi-comatose state where his mind was not fully there. Unknown to the reason, the bullies that assaulted him that day were also hospitalized with unknown causes and reasons. 

However, it seemed that Sai was unable to be helped by the hospitals of where he lived, so his Father, who knew some connections had somewhat an idea of his condition and decided to send his son to Japan, where he would have to live and be treated by a specialist doctor. And so, Sai was transferred to Japan and stayed in a very high end hospital where he could barely remember what took place while in their care. His memories of the incident and being hospitalized was always a mystery to him. However it was at one point where he began to regain his sense of time and awareness and his doctor explained to him that he has a very unique illness that was slowly killing him. Shocked and unresponsive to this diagnosis, the doctor told him that his Father knows about his condition and results and has paid the doctor to prescribe him some experimental medicine that has seem to slow down the effects and progression of his demise. The doctor explained that with the meds taken daily and not being strained by super taxing activities, he would have about a year, maybe 2 to live before his illness will eventually cause him to die. However the doctor reassured him that he has been researching and working on a possible cure to his illness in this time that he has been hospitalized and could save him in time if he continued to take the meds and lived a normal life. He would be saved and have a chance at a normal life again. Sai was filled with hope until the doctor told him what he would encounter with his new lifestyle. The doctor explained that the side effects of the meds will cause him to have high chances of heart issues, pains caused by his brain and weakness at times which he would have to take things slow. 

Not only would he have to suffer the side effects of the meds, the doctor noted that his actual illness would also still be present even with the meds helping, his illness will cause his organs to degrade or fail temporarily which could be problematic if he isn't taking it easy. Sai learned that since he was in the hospital his symptoms were monitored and he didn't suffer any extreme cases but his father requested that he get back into society and start school again while being treated by the doctor. After accepting the fate of his current issues, Sai accepted the challenge of beating his illness and was set up in a small rental home in Yongen-Jaya, Shibuya. It's been a month since readjusting to his new lifestyle, taking the meds, dealing with the symptoms at times, Sai was confident in trying to have a normal life again despite his issues. He was enrolled at Shujin Academy as a second year student and would start in the early of May. And so he got ready, prepared, and set off towards Shujin Academy, soon arriving at his classroom, filled with people he didn't know and they didn't know who he was, it was the perfect chance to start anew.....

Mysterious Voice: Now.... Will You... Follow Sai's Story to the end and watch as his events unfold... Or do you wish to impart on his life and follow in his footsteps... his fate will be yours and the journey will be filled with hardships... I hope you are ready... I look forward to........your rehabilitation.........

Thank you guys for sticking with the intro to this story. I hope you are looking forward to this story and as a notice, I will be loosely following the story beats of Persona 5 Royale Edition but I will be imparting my own spin to it. What characters do/say will not be the same and events will play out quite differently than originally planned. I have been brewing this story for a little bit ever since I started playing the game. And the ideas I had brewing while I was playing the game did change but one did stay the same and I am happy that I can write it out to you all. I hope it comes to your guys liking and please let me know what you think... I will try my best to work on this beside life stuff that I am dealing with. But for now... I will see you in the next one....

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