Distorted Desires (Chapter 4)

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*Mementos After School*

Racing forward into the depths again, trying to reach your friends before they enter into this dangerous world, you seem to slip and fall to the ground. Tumbling down some stairs you hit your head on one of the edges which causes you to be stunned for a moment.

You: Grahh... Damn that hurt...!

Slowly getting up, you rub the top of your forehead to find that you have a bump and slight scrapes from the tumble. Shaking off the stinging pain you get to your feet and take in your surroundings. Seemingly, you are in a different spot than before. Looking around there is nothing of familiar design that sticks out to you, causing slight panic to arise in your stomach. Just as the nerves seem to be getting to you, you are instead filled with a familiar warmth sensation going through you. Taking the moment to examine yourself you find a slight glimmer of the same energy that you witnessed before circling you. It isn't as visible as before but you can tell it is still with you from before.

You: I wonder... If I can really use this power to defend myself here. It worked last time but I didn't have much control over it. No... Can't think about that now, need to find Ann and the others right now.

With that statement, you bolt forward at a decent pace to search for your friends. Some time passes as you search and the growing uneasiness builds within your chest as you worry that you might find your friends in danger, or worse. Another few moments pass with you searching the depths of this world. That is, until you hear a distant explosion and sounds of conflict.

You: What the..? Are they over here?!

You begin to dash forward as fast as you can towards the sounds and turn each corner with very small loss of speed. The sounds of conflict grow louder and voices become more distinct. Reaching the final corner you stop in place to hide behind the corner and scan around. Upon doing so, there is a small group of oddly clothed individuals with a child sized creature next to them. They seem to be conversing with one another.

Cat like Creature: Well done guys, Skull, Panther, you guys are getting better with your Personas. With more practice I am sure you guys can do some serious work.

Panther: Thanks Mona, however Joker has us beat by a mile ahead.

Skull: That's mainly cause he got his Persona first you know! No wonder he is stronger, he had a head start on us!

Joker: I still wouldn't be able to fight without you guys, your strength is mine too.

Mona: That's our Joker, realizing what it means to be a team!

Skull: Shut it Mona, I knew that too you know!

Mona: Sure you did..!

Skull: What was that?!

Mona: Oh nothing. Anyways, how are you doing Panther? I know you are the newest member of the Phantom Thieves but I hope you are feeling better working with us.

You: *Whispered* What..? The Phantom Thieves...? Are they the rumored guys who took down that teacher... Kamoshida was it..? Also...their voices sound familiar... I know I have heard them before...

Upon further listening to their conversation and taking in details of certain physical traits, ideas start to form in your mind of their identities quickly. You had a natural knack of detective thinking when it came to piecing things together, no wonder you were good in class as you could tackle problems by using extensive knowledge and piecing answers together in split second configurations. Another reason why people hated your talent and dedication to your studies. You had dreams of becoming a police commissioner or a high end investigator, solving problems and puzzles felt like a crime scene to you. Of course your father disapproved of such notions but it didn't stop you from thinking like one.

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