Curses and Cures (Chapter 100)

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*Morning July 11*

Your POV

Reaching the front gates with Kasumi, you take a deep breath as you barely made it. You notice Haru is working on some plants out front and notices you and waves with a smile.

Kasumi: I can't believe we made it Senpai...!

You: Good to know my legs still work, now let's see how we do on the exams.

Kasumi: Have you been studying quite often lately?

You: For the most part. Kawakami-sensei has been a huge help in my efforts.

Kasumi: I'm glad..! Maybe we should-

The bell for classes starting soon rings loudly and catches you both for a surprise. You turn to dash for your classroom but notice that Haru struggles with finishing her work as she needed to move some bags out of the way and cleaned up afterwards.

You: Kasumi you go on ahead, I'll catch up with you later.

Kasumi: Are you sure Senpai?

You: Yeah don't worry about it.

Kasumi: Alright, take care!

You: You too..!

You watch her quickly run into the building and turn your attention to a frantic Haru. She lifts a pretty heavy bag of dirt and attempts to carry it to the side shack where she keeps it, seeing as she needs to hurry she tries to move her feet. She starts to lose grip on the bag and attempts to adjust but propping it over her shoulder but the moment she does causes her to lose her balance. You step in and barely catch her and the bag, keeping her steady from falling back.

You: That seems a little much doesn't it? Let me help you.

Haru: Y-Y/N-kun? Oh, I'm sorry..! You should hurry on to class...

You: Don't sweat it, here.

You slide your hand under hers and take the bag from her and it is heavy. You give a soft grunt and lug the bag over your shoulder and approach the shack. Haru giggles and takes the rest of her equipment with her.

You: *Taking deep breaths with each step* I'm surprised you were even able to lift this in the first place... It's giving me a tough time.

Haru: *Giggles* After working on this for so long, you develop a knack of strength.

You: You want it here?

Haru: Oh yes that is fine.

You set down the bag and take a deep breath. Stretching out your back and shoulder as you stiffen up a bit. Haru sets her things away.

You: Well I need to head off, take care Senpai!

Haru: See you around, Y/N!

She smiles and waves you goodbye as she closes the shack. She stays still for a moment as she locks up the doors, a moment of realization that your hands held hers for a few seconds burns into her mind and a red flush over her face is the result. She does a cute little step in place trying to force the thoughts out and smacking her cheeks trying to hide the blush. Then with a certified huff, she turns and goes into the school...

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