Check Up (Chapter 10)

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*May 5 Morning*

You enter your classroom and take your seat. You watch Kawakami prepare for the class, Ann and Ren sit in their seats and look over to you.

Ann: Hey.. Are you alright?

You: Yeah I am doing much better.

Ann: Good, cause Ren told us you were in the clinic.

You: Yeah I was, don't worry about me. Again I am doing much better now.

Ann: If you say so..

You feel your phone buzz along with the others and you pull it out to see Ryuji texting you.

*Ryuji Text: Yo! I saw you enter the school and go to class. I wanted to check up on you!*

*Your Text: Yeah I am feeling better, sorry about last night.*

*Ann Text: Did you really just text all of us for that?*

*Ryuji Text: What? I don't got his ID on my phone only in the group chat!*

*Ann Text: Ugh.. Don't worry I will make sure you get it.*

*Ryuji Text: Awesome!*

*Ann Text: We got class by the way.*

*Ryuji Text: I know I know! Jeez don't have to be a buzz kill.*

*Your Text: It's quite alright. Let's meet up after school.*

*Ryuji Text: Actually about that, we are gonna be heading out to eat at a buffet. With the money from Kamoshida's medal we can all eat there.*

*Your Text: What..??*

*Ren Text: Long story, will tell you later*

*Your Text: You better.*

After ending the chat log, you put away your phone and take in today's lessons.

*After School May 5*

The bell rings as class ends. You start to get your stuff together and begin to head out. As you do, your phone buzzes. You pick it up and open the text. You look to see it is Takemi texting you.

*Takemi Text: Sorry if this is sudden, I got your ID from Ren. I hope the pills are working as intended.*

*Your Text: Yes they are, they aren't as strong but I can use them without issue for now.*

*Takemi Text: Good. Well If you need a refill or need a check up by me then stop by at the clinic. I am sure you remember where it is.*

*Your Text: Sure do. Thanks again.*

*Takemi Text: Don't mention it. See you later.*

You put away your phone and head outside, where you see Ren, Ryuji, and Ann waiting for you.

Ryuji: Yo! What took ya so long?

You: Sorry, had a quick text I needed to respond to.

Ann: No worries! Let's go party!

You: What?

Ann: Oh Sorry, we are celebrating our victory over Kamoshida.

You: Yeah I remember you guys talking about that.

Persona 5 Royal: Makoto X Male Reader OC- The Forgotten Shadow (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now