Chapter 49 - A Force Beyond*

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We were on the train back to Hogwarts, nearing Hogsmeade station. It was 7 o'clock and dinner was already underway. It was most definite we were going miss it albeit our previous promise to one another to make it in time. That was before we encountered the Professors.

Our trip to Diagon Alley ended in a pleasant trip despite our worries. The little shopping street was much the same to Hogsmeade and after entering and exiting a few shops to realise they sold the same products, we had mostly sat at Tea Imporium. We had bought a few things, Imelda having had purchased a new Quidditch knee pads from Quality Quidditch Supplies and a leather belt from Madam Malkin's. Beyond the dress, I had also purchased a book on A History of Ancient Magickal Acomplishments. A huge stretch of an attempt to finding anything of use. 

The train horn sounded off and we were now a station away from Hogwarts. 


We walked into the busy castle as everyone was just exiting the Dining hall, having finished having dinner. 

We creeped around and cringed when we saw Professor Garlick walk past us, but she had not given us any attention or mind. We quickly made our way back to the common room to try to avoid any potential of running into the Professors. It was best not to poke the situation. I was sure there were repercussions to come, but I was not eager to find them out tonight. 

As we turned the corner to the library annex a black feathered owl flew above my head and screeched. I looked up as it dropped a small parchment. I managed to catch it into my hands last minute. 

The owl was most likely trying to find me at dinner and had grown frustrated from my absence. 

I clutched all the bags into sides and struggled to unroll the message.

"Meet me in the Boathouses after curfew. 

Yours truly


I tucked the piece of paper into my coat pocket and as I rose my head I saw a myself smiling. 

It was near 8 pm and as the thud of my purchases had hit the bed, I headed straight back out of the door again. 


"Hello," he waved with a slow and singular hand movement to me. 

The water danced with faint moon light. 

"Hello," I replied with a smile as I closed the door behind me. 

"I didn't see you at dinner."

He came closer to face me, a boat slowly rocking with soft thuds of its body hitting the dock in front of us. 

"I was away," I answered feeling an already growing satisfaction being in his company. 

"Ah," he voiced, now standing in front of me again. "Off to break another school rule?"

Was he always an almost head length taller than I?

"You could not even imagine," I shook my head, catching myself wanting Sebastian to have seen what had happened between me and the Professors. 

"What did you do today Lilith?" he smiled and tilted his neck.

"Imelda and I went to London. And you?" 

I chose to keep it as matter-of-fact as possible. 

"I've had a very sedentary day in the library. Not as exiting," he stretched as if brushing off the remnants of needing to be still the whole day. "I've started reading that book we found."

A Man Has Horns  // Sebastian SallowOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant