Chapter 21 - His Part in My Story

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"Lilith, what the fuck was that," Imelda grabbed my arm and whispered into my ear as we came inside the castle. 

I looked at her, inhaling to answer but no words came out. I didn't know how to say I had Ancient Magic and where would I start to explain things if I did admit that.

Professor Fig's words once again rang in my ears.

"We should trust in others."

If it wasn't for trusting the Professors, we would have never had the chance to beat Ranrok and his loyalists. 

Imelda was trustworthy and she had proven herself to me on many occasions that she was a true friend. 

"Don't tell me we have to the Unbreakable again for you explain what the hell is going on!" she whispered.

"Unbreakable?" Sebastian somehow had heard Imelda and turned to us. He looked at me, suddenly his eyes widening, putting the pieces together. "Di-DID YOU CAST THE UNBREAKABLE VOW?!" he grabbed my hands and looked at them, my right hand still having the faintest white scar wrapping around it. 

Thank Merlin, Garreth was still behind exchanging words with Leander and Nellie.

He froze in shock seeing the faint scar, being now just a few days from disappearing completely. 

"Keep it down! And none of your business Sebastian," I pulled my hands out of his.

"I'm not going to ask what this Vow was as to make sure you DON'T DROP DEAD in front of me." he was livid and looked at Imelda. "AGAIN," he looked back at me and exclaimed.

"Shut up! You don't have a leg to stand on Sallow!" Imelda interjected, shoving him.

"Oh! I see. How much does she now Lilith?" he asked with growing anger. "Or don't tell me, she knows everything hence why the Unbreakable Vow. Must have been a trustworthy friend to ensure your secret is kept by having death as a consequence!" Sebastian directed his anger to Imelda.

"I know enough to say that you are the opposite of a friend to her!" she hissed back. 

I was stuck in the middle between them. Garreth had shot a look to me to see what the commotion was. 

"Shut up! Shut up both of you!" I grabbed Sebastian and Imelda by the collars of their quidditch jumpers and dragged them away a few more steps. "It's nothing to do with Ancient Magic."

"Ancient Magic?" Imelda ripped her jumper out of my hands, steading herself. 

I gesticulated "see?" to Sebastian. "But I'm going to tell her... about it," I said to him hoping that I made myself clear that I was not planing to go into details about his part in my story.

"About what?!" Imelda was being impatient. 

"I hope you know what you are doing," Sebastian answers me reserved. "People would die and kill for this information. People have," he finished and looked at me seriously, turning to go away without waiting for my response.

"What in Merlin is he on about and what is going on," Imelda turned to me fully now. 

Sebastian's words impacted me more than I would have liked to admit and for the first time this year, I took them to heart. 

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