Chapter 10 - Unbreakable

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I was back in the dormitory room and although Grace and Violet were back sound asleep, Imelda was not in sight. I suddenly grew worried thinking she could have gotten in trouble, but I as equally didn't want to go looking for her to find she was enjoying some alone time with someone. I sat on the bed and looked at her things thrown around her bed bunk. I reached for my pocket watch to see it was about 1 am. 

I started to get undressed for bed, deciding that I'll glance at the clock later in the night till it hits 3am. If she isn't back by then, I'll look for her. I hadn't slept properly this whole week so I had no worry of falling asleep. 


I opened my eyes from the light dancing across my face. I yawned and rubbed my face and looked to the side to still see an empty bed. 

I shot up. 

"Shit shit shit, " I took the watch I had placed on my bedside table. 

9 am. 

Grace and Violet were already at breakfast. I stood up and ran to Imelda's side of the bed to see if there were any signs that she was back. It didn't seem so, her comforter left the same scrunched way as it was last night. 

I quickly got dressed, throwing on riding trousers, a huge blouse and boots. I put on the corset and started tying the strings already leaving the room. I ran upstairs the common room. 

There were student's everywhere, some having come back from breakfast, some still going. I got stuck with my last latch and I couldn't pull my corset closed. I stood and struggled until I saw Ominis by the piano. I almost took a half step towards him realising it was absolutely inappropriate to ask of that boy to tie my corset. I understood that any man with full vision wouldn't understand what to do.  

I just stood tugging at the last string. 

"Can I help you?" suddenly someone said behind me. 

I turned my head to see the 7th year Prefect Aurora. 

I felt stupid for running out before getting ready and felt my face grew red. 

"I can't get this tightened. I need to run to find someone," I felt too embarrassed to look at her and just kept pulling on the last string to finally give way. 

Aurora wasn't always known to be the most pleasant. She often yelled at her own fellow House for running or loitering. I was trying to get ready for a snide remark as she pointed her finger in the air and drew a circle to indicate for me to turn.

I turned around extending the strings behind my back to her. 

She untied the last two latches and redid them with ease. Then she latched the last fastening and rose her knee on my tailbone to gently pull it all finally closed. She finished with tying a knot and stepped back

I shot my hand back and brushed my hand through her work to feel a small double bow tied in the end.

I turned to face her again and she looked at me raising her hand to stop me from speaking. 

"I don't have the time for you," she finally turned to walk away. "HEY, maybe it's time to stop touching your greasy fingers on the glass!" she yelled at a group of 1st years. 

I took my hand to brush the last latches again. They were done as if to mannequin in a shop display.

I finally turned to door to run out to search for Imelda. 

As I started making my way to the Great Hall to see if she made it breakfast, I saw Nerida pass me with a small group. I stood still as she looked shot me a reserved glance. I thought about going up to her and asking if she had seen Imelda but remembered her strange behaviour of not speaking to her in public. I didn't want to be a reason for them not working out so I started walking again to the hall. 

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