Chapter 27 - Headache

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"I think we should head to dinner," I said, my heart still racing from what had happened between us. "Separately."

"What ever you say," Sebastian adjusted the collar of his shirt, his eyes excited but turned away from me.

I pulled my own sweater down feeling it have risen up my back where his hands had just been. 

"I want to see you again," he said after turning to his bag to throw all of the scattered items back into it.  

"You'll see me around," I was confused what he was insinuating. 

He shook his head and continued, "I would like it to be the two of us."

"A date Sallow?" I asked mockingly with a raised eyebrow. 

The last thing I would ever associate us with was 'romanticism'. 

"Would you like one?" Sebastian's eyes widened and his lips curled into a smile. 

"With you?" I laughed. 

There was no way that Sebastian Sallow was courting me right now. 

"Usually these kind of intimacies are experienced after a date," Sebastian twirled his finger around the room as he spoke. "I am not insisting for you to go out with me. I am asking. Would you like to?" he finished and crossed his arms to look at me humorously. 

"I guess you would know especially being so experienced with dates and intimacy," I replied to his first statement, crossing my own arms to mirror him.  

"You're avoiding an answer Natrix," he rolled his eyes at me and waited.

"Where would we go?" I asked to give myself more time.

"Yes or no."

"Are you seriously asking me on a date?" I didn't relent.

"Yes? Or No?" he repeated, unwavering.

There was no escape. I inhaled sharply and with my exhale replied, "Yes."

He smirked.

"Because I'm interested in seeing what you'd plan," I added, as if to remove a degree of interest between us.

"Right," he dismissed, smiled deviously and picked up his bag. "I am heading to dinner. I'll send you an owl," he flashed his eyebrows as if with some small irony and taunt. 

He walked passed me with a smirk. 

"Better to sit and wait until I leave. Otherwise risk of attention and whispers," Sebastian repeated my words with a smirk, leaving the nook and heading down to the library's exit. 

I shook my head in disbelief, thinking about the audacity of him. 

I went back and leaned against the table I was a few minutes ago placed on. My lips still felt the pressure of his. I cocked my head back, closed my eyes and sighed. 

This was stupid. What the hell was I doing or thinking? I wasn't thinking that is what I was doing.

 Me and Sebastian could never be in relationship as we could not even make a friendship work between us. My feelings for him were a mixture of fascination, attraction and pull. But I don't know if I liked him. More often I found myself disliking him. 

I said yes to the date knowing there was no possibility that we could share an ordinary experience together. 

I though of Garreth and I felt a stabbing feeling of guilt. 

Not even a full day had passed before I had jumped to another boy to fill a void. 

Was there a void?

A Man Has Horns  // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now