Chapter 29 - A Hate for Astronomy

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As I entered the Great Hall, my head immediately glanced to the Gryffindors. It was uncontrollable. I looked to see Garreth looking at me and just shake his head and scoff when he saw me with Sebastian. I saw Cressida look at me disappointed and cold.

I had completely forgotten what it meant to be in his presence.

"Shit," I couldn't help but to mumble. 

Sebastian pinched his lips and tried to ignore me. He knew what I was reacting to and I saw it stirred him.

"Will you now scurry off or have you found it in your heart to have lunch with me? A friend?" he says as we make it our table. 

'Friends?'  I mimic with my lips and raise and eyebrow at him. 

Garreth still stung my heart but being next to Sebastian made me unjustly forget about him. It was his presence that I felt drunk on. We were going on a date.

'Best,' he mimics back to me with exaggerated eyes. 

I sit down where Ominis is already stirring a cup of tea. 

"Morning Ominis," Sebastian sits across from him and next to me, which was unusual. 

"Yes. Good morning," he answered drinking black tea. 

"How did you fare after the celebrations?" I asked him, wanting us to actually have our friendship in place.

"Quite fine, although I did wake with a small headache. Possibly due to the lack of air in the dormitories," he answered, sipping his tea. 

"It was not the lack of air, it was the abundance of whiskey," Sebastian laughed at him. 

"No, no," he was shaking his head with squinting eyes, raising his mouth from the brim of his cup, "I think it was your irritating presence. Yes. I'm quite certain," he nodded seriously as if actually reaching a revelation and took another sip of his tea. "The headache. It is returning to me."

I laughed.

"How did you both get along?" Ominis swiftly asked back. 

"Pardon?" I startle by the question, thinking about him and me in the library. Us kissing. 


"Really well!" Sebastian's smile widens to his ears from my mere reaction.

I could feel my face burn. 

"You sound very animated Sebastian," Ominis said quizzically. 

I took a tankard of water to take a sip to both hide behind the brim of the cup and to satiate the burning red my face probably now decorated. 

"Me and Lilith are going on a date."

I chocked. 

"Have you informed her yet of that?" Ominis reached over to give me napkin. 

I obediently took it still coughing, wiping my the water dribbling over my chin. 

"Contrary to her reaction she has already agreed," Sebastian was still smiling and reaching over for an apple. 

"What will the outing be then?" Ominis asked Sebastian. 

They both were just having a conversation as if I wasn't even present.

"Can't ruin the surprise," he says and looks at me as he takes a bite of his apple. 

"Or you just don't have any ideas yet," I finally say something, feeling my chest burn from the momentary lack of air.

A Man Has Horns  // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now