Chapter 39 - A Guiding Parent

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The castle was a mad house. Everyone was talking about the Yule Ball, about dresses, about dancing, about partners. 

Girls and boys started grouping together and there was an almost secret animosity against each other. The before shared study sessions would become strangely expectant. 

I was walking down the corridor to Potions as I knocked into Cressida who was walking towards me. 

She had knocked me quite strong, making me loose my balance, a few books that I was holding knocked over and sprawled over the floor. 

"S-Sorry! Merlin I'll..." she stopped mid sentence as she rose her eyes to me, to which when she recognised me she stood up, scoffed and walked away. 

Garreth might be considering that it was his fault, but that sentiment was definitely not shared by his friends. 

I was happy he had them but I was alone to help myself.

I sighed and kneeled over to pick up my things. 

As I picked up the first two, I saw in the corner of my eye a dark haired boy from the Slytherin Quidditch celebrations. I did not raise my eyes to him as I saw that he continued to slowly walk towards me, bending to his knees to help me pick up the last sprawled book. 

He extended it to me and I took it as we made eye contact. His cold grey eyes flickered as if he was looking onto burning embers. 

"Thank you," I finally said, straightening back up. 

"No need of mention," Anselm replied, bringing himself back again to my eye level. "I heard your year started preparations for the Yule Ball. How are you finding it?"

His corners pulled into a small grin as he observed me. He was slim, tall and pale, wearing school robes. Perhaps he was conventionally handsome if it wasn't for the constant need to feel vigilant around him.

"It has been fine," I answered not knowing what much else to add.

"Has baby Sallow asked you to be his partner yet?" his eyes flashed with interest. "I have heard rumours of you both becoming quite fond of each other's company."

"We are friends," I answered feeling my chest tighten. I hoped we were at least that. "And no. He has not asked me. I believe he is not interested in such synthetic displays of communion." 

"Shame," Anselm added, putting his hands into his trouser pockets. "It has been good to see you again," he gave a smile and a nod before walking back down the corridor. 

I turned to continue to class. 

"Oh and Lilith?"

I turned to him as he was halfway down already. 


"He is a fool for not asking," he smiled again, turning and walking around the corner for good. 

I stood confused with a small flutter.

A group of girls had seen this happen and starred at me in shock. I continued walking past them to class. 

As I entered I went to my station, taking my book out of my bag. As I rose my gaze across the room I saw Garreth was looking at me, quickly turning away as our eyes met. 

Was it due to the Yule Ball that the attention of men seemed twice fold?


After a particularly gruelling surprise essay on the fickleness of Dragon Pox and its changing nature that makes brewing a cure near impossible, I was starving for lunch. 

A Man Has Horns  // Sebastian SallowNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ