Chapter 17 - The Availability of Two

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My last class of potions was already nearing its end as I was making my way back to the castle. I wanted to go the library and pass the time till my flying practice with Imelda. Mostly, I just wanted to be alone. 


I made it to the library and spent an hour and half doing homework for Potions, that I knew I was now significantly behind of. Our lesson today was Draught of the Living Death, and there was no world in which I could learn its process just by studying a textbook. Nevertheless, I had tried my best to do so.

 As I was heading out of the door, a white owl flew over me dropping two letters. 

I ripped open the first one.

"what in Merlin happened in d.a. t.d.a? the whole school is talking about you and Sebastian. 

where are you? 

come to the pitch when you see this


I felt dizzy. I was anticipating maybe some chatter amongst my Defence Against The Dark Arts students but I didn't expect the whole school to take interest. 

I walked to the Grand Entrance to head outside to meet Imelda, as I looked at the second letter. 

"are you ok?


Merlin damn it.

I shoved the letters in my pocket and ran to the pitch. I needed to know what people were saying.


As I saw the pitch in the distance, I saw Imelda standing by it and looking for me. As she turned her head she saw me and waved, jumping on her broom to close the distance.

"What in Azkaban happened!?" she jumped off when she reached me and started walking parallel with me back to where she originally was standing. 

"Tell me what people are saying first," I asked her, giving my book bag to her to hold whilst I took off my robe and sweater. 

"That you slammed Sebastian into the floor with some forbidden powerful spell after he was basically trying to kill you," Imelda started telling me as I reached back for my bag again. "That afterwords you had a lover's quarrel in front of everyone and that you just ran off in the middle of the lesson, him running after you."

"It wasn't-"

"Oh I'm not finished," Imelda interrupted. "That you and Sebastian have messed up a Gryffindor Prefect trying to separate you both because you were feeling each other up in a corridor," Imelda added. 

"WHAT!?" I stopped dead in my tracks. "THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN."

"You didn't mess up a Prefect?"

"No! I mean I knocked him over when I was running from class," I tried to defend myself and explain. 

"What in Godric's good heart happened Lilith?" Imelda asked again, pushing me to continue to walk to the stadium walls. 

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