Chapter 32 - Not Friends

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I left Care for Magical Creatures class, hardly being able to concentrate on the new lesson on Knarls. 

"Are you alright Lilith? You seem quite..." Poppy Sweating ran up to me as I was leaving. 

"Absent minded?" I finished her sentence. I guess I wasn't being as sleek as I thought.

I had not spoken to Poppy much yet, having been back at 6th year, but we had Care for Magical Creatures together, so we did pair up during that time. 

"Is there something going on?" Poppy asked from care, not from interest. 

"I am alright Poppy," I tried to fake a smile. 

"You can talk to me," she walked with me back to the Great Entrance. "I would like to consider that Highwing has taught me when to stay quiet and when to listen," she bantered. 

I now genuinely smiled at her and answered, "Thank you. I'll keep it in mind. As of right now, everything is quite not worthy of worry," I tried to half-truthfully explain.

"Alright," she smiled back. "Then I shall see you Thursday in class," she ended and waved to walk to the right of the building, whilst I was opening the grand door. 

"Are you not coming to lunch?" I asked confused. 

"No, not yet," she said still going down the steps towards greater Hogwarts.

Strange girl.


"Ominis hello!" I called for him as he was about to enter the Great Hall. 

"Hello, hello," he said back and we went inside together. "I have had a rough morning with Divination."

"I did not see you as someone who would choose Divination as their elective," I mused as we sat down. Although I liked Professor Onai and believed she possessed sight, I thought the class did not make sense for those who were not blessed with it. "Do you believe you possess sight?"

I realised suddenly how that sounded. 

"Sebastian would have enjoyed that joke," Ominis answered laughing.  

"That is not what I meant!" I said back defensively, feeling horrible. 

"I understood what you meant. No I don't think I do. I had to choose something and I was at no liberty of considering Muggle Studies," he answered candidly.

Looking at the door and saw Imelda walking. 

I beckoned to her to join. 

As she started walking towards us, Sebastian came in view from the door. He was also making his way to us and I grew more anxious. 

"Imelda and um.. Sebastian are coming to join us," I said to Ominis. 

"Does Imelda Reyes know you both partaken in a romantic escapade with Sebastian?" he asked. 

"She does," Imelda answered, being a few feet from the table. 

Ridiculously good hearing. 

"Then it is of no worry for me to ask how the date went?" Ominis added. 

"It was umm...." I started answering as Sebastian was also now a feet away from us. 

"Hello Ominis, Imelda," he said towards us, coming to sit on the side of Ominis. "Lilith," he nodded and acted like he hadn't seen me already. 

Or had his lips pressed against mine.

"I was just asking Lilith how the date went," Ominis did not relent. 

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