Chapter 45 - Heart over Head

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We were finally at the castle grounds as we walked toe in toe, both slightly smiling. It was so incredibly out of the norm to be walking next to Sebastian, in broad daylight, in public. But it felt right. We were walking across the wooden bridge as the buzz of students around us steadily increased. 

We kept as close as we were before, and I still felt like as of this moment it was just the two of us. 

Sebastian gently brushed against my hand then went to hold it. 

I got pulled right out of the feeling of aloneness as another group of students passed us now looking at us and gawking. 

"What are you doing?" I asked with surprise as he now had let go of my hand but had put his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into him as we entered the courtyard. 

"We're together. I thought we made that clear to each other?" he mused as we continued around the fountain and well. 

I was not used to public displays of affection, displays of affection nor affection. 

"Do you mind Lilith?" he asked pulling me into him even more, my head resting under the nook of his neck. 

"You're doing this on purpose," I answered putting my hand on his own that was now wrapped so tightly around me.

I had to use some strain to do so as I did feel every eye on us, but feeling the warm, dry, rough hand of of his in mine made it all seem of lesser importance.

"To make a Hippogriff rider squirm from being touched? A little," he said as we almost had made it to the door that lead inside the castle. "But mostly because its a great feeling to hold the most beautiful and powerful girl in Hogwarts."

"Flattery will get you nowhere. Sounds self serving," I scoffed at him but felt my mouth pull into a smile from his words.

"It has," he whispered as he let me go and opened the door for me. "And absoletely" he rose his brow at me as I was basically in his arms. "As in for my sister and your unknown wandman, I suggest we take matters into our own hands and try to seek them ourselves?"

I once again could not believe that I had chosen to forgot about those matters.

"And Lilith, you do not have to help regarding my sister," he stepped closer and put his hands into his trouser pockets. "But I would like to help you. It is without transaction. You do not have to do anything in return."

We were having a productive mature conversation yet I knew my heart and head were in fight as I answered, "Of course I will help you." 

He looked up with a smile, taking my hand and reached it to his lips.

"Thank you. I will never forget this," he kissed my hand. 

He lowered my hand and we bid farewell, as I walked away to the opposite side of the corridor from which he was heading.

I walked aimlessly, my heart fluttering from what happened, my face twisting into involuntarily smiles with a healthy dose of anxiety to top it all of. 

I walked and understood I was near the Room of Requirement. Why not go? 

I waited for the doors to slowly conjure in front of me and headed in. 

I had not been here since last year and hearing the pleasant buzz of the room of all its devices and knickknacks made me relax. 

I  walked slowly around the room, passing the potion stands, seed planters, statues and shelves. 

There was a large mirror on the wall and I went up to it and looked at myself. 

I could see my eyes seemed a lot more tired, blue-purple-red hallows circling them. 

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