"Alastor I'm advising you to stop."

"Made it through the pearly gates. Well, atleast you think so..."

"He did. Alastor, shut up."

"I reckon he looks just like you, Joker. Blonde hair, your eyes, What are they, Green?"

"Used to be."

"Maybe a short man.. Hm?"

"Lucky guess."

He turned his head towards her slowly, ominously.

"Why don't you show me your face, Joker?"

"What's going on with you?" She stood up, walking to infront of Alastor's legs and putting her hands behind her back.

"Do you really believe he went to heaven?" He looked up at her amusedly. Her eyes relaxed, dropping like her heart did. She didn't show so.

"Yes, I do." She said confidenly. She bent forward, her face coming close to Alastor's. He laughed, "Really?"

Ace took one hand from behind her back and forced her fingers around his chin, "Watch your tongue," She hissed. His eyes darkened.

"I know your father," He snarled back. She continued pinching her nails into the skin of his cheeks threateningly, holding back the urge to rip off his ears. "You do no such thing. Alastor, do you really think I can't rip out your tongue?" She whispered closely.

"I'd like for you to try," He glitched in a way. She did as well. She continued digging her nails into him as the rage in her blood started to boil. Before she could continue drawing blood from his skin she felt a tug behind her, being thrown through the air and thrusted into the wall. She crushed a lamp, feeling the glass stab into her back as it shattered.

She looked up after she hit the ground. She immediately got up, seeing black tentacles retract into Alastor's back. He stood up and walked forward to Ace. She laughed, a glitch in her voice, a dangerous one. She balled a fist and put her hands behind her back once again, but the magic that spun around her gloved fingers was not to be missed.

Strings on the ground which consisted of Ace's magic energy rised and wrapped around Alastor's legs, keeping him in place. He looked down confusedly. Behind him longer strings stayed in the air, preparing to tug on Alastor's arms, as they did, they threw him on the ground aggressively. Alastor made a static noise. He looked up, being met by Ace standing over him with blood dripping from her back and onto the floor. She didn't show any signs of pain.

"Whăt tH€ he[[ Is wr0ňg w¡th y0׿?"

"Why won't you show me your face?" He continued, his ears pressed back a little.

She growled, gritting her teeth under her mask. What the fuck? Did he KNOW?

Lucifer whistled, looking at his hand watch, keeping track of time. Charlie could be back any moment now, so he was planning on meeting her there when she returned in the hotel. He wanted to make sure heaven didn't do anything too bad. That they didn't hurt her.

Would he go now? Er.. Better early than late, right?

He used his abilities to swoop out of his palace and appear in the hotel. He looked around the lobby to see if there was anyone, but nobody seemed to be. Not until he looked at the right hallway. Right near the entrance, Ace stood over Alastor, nearly in her demon form but obviously holding back. From her backside blood seemed to be dripping. She had Alastor tied down on the floor infront of her.

"Ace?" Lucifer asked with a concerned tone. He slowly approached the two, making sure not to scare Ace into tying him down as well. She turned her head slightly, making eye contact for a second before looking back down. Alastor smirked again.

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