Chapter eighteen

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Anna couldn't believe her eyes. It all happened so fast, one moment she was alone, afraid, and hopeless, and the next, Noah was standing before her, covered in blood and surrounded by the fallen bodies of the soldiers. He had defeated them single-handedly, in a manner that was both brutal and efficient.

Noah's movements were graceful, almost dance-like, as he moved from one soldier to the next, delivering lethal blows with precision and ease. He moved with such speed and power that Anna could scarcely keep track of him, even though her eyes were fixed on him. She could hardly believe that this was the same man who had been so gentle and kind with her just days ago.

But he had saved her. Again. And the realization of it left her feeling both grateful and terrified. Grateful, because he had done what she never could have done. And terrified, because she had witnessed his capacity for violence in all its raw, unfiltered form.

She knew Noah had a dark side, but she had never seen it exposed like this. And now, she couldn't help but wonder just how many people he had killed, just how experienced and capable he truly was. the events of the day had shown her a side of him that she had never seen before.

Anna felt conflicted, torn between her gratitude for his protection and her fear of what she had witnessed. She couldn't help but wonder, if he could do this to save her, what else was he capable of?

" you found me"

Noah was taken aback by Anna's response. He thought she would be relieved, grateful even, for his actions. But instead, he felt a sense of unease, as if something was off.

Noah approached Anna, his hands still covered in blood. He couldn't help but feel a sense of shame at the sight of her fear-stricken face.

"Anna, of course I found you," Noah said softly. "You're the most important person in the world to me." He paused for a moment, as if gathering his thoughts. "I did what I had to, to protect you. I would do anything to protect you."

Noah reached a hand out to her, as if to offer comfort. He wanted to tell her that he wasn't the monster she thought he was, that his actions were born out of his love for her. But he could see the fear in her eyes, and he didn't know if she would ever understand.

"I don't understand, why?" She said pushing his hand off.

Noah takes a seat next to Anna, his hand reaching towards hers again in an effort to comfort her. He takes a moment to think through his words, trying to find the right thing to say.

He looks at Anna's frightened eyes and his heart breaks that he's caused her so much pain. He takes a deep breath and begins to speak.

"Anna, the world can be dangerous, it can be cruel. And I don't ever want you to be hurt, or in danger. I would do anything to protect you, and that's why I did what I did..."

He trails off, trying to find the right words to explain without sounding like he's making excuses for what he did.

"Do you hate me?" He asks, his voice barely audible.

" I will if you won't let me go" she said staring intensely at his eyes. Ignoring his clothe drenched in blood.

Noah was stunned by Anna's response. He wanted to hold her, to keep her safe, to protect her from any harm. He couldn't bear the thought of letting her go, of leaving her to face the world alone. But he also couldn't bear the thought of losing her, of pushing her away.

He reached out a hand to her, hoping to find some comfort in her touch, but she pulled away. He felt a pang of pain, as if he had been physically struck.

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