Chapter three

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Noah hesitated for a moment, his mind racing with conflicting emotions. On the one hand, he was expected to carry out his orders without mercy or hesitation. On the other hand, he had just heard a soft whimper, and upon entering the room, he had found a woman who looked so much like his late mother - her red hair and face reminding him of her in ways he hadn't felt for years.

For a moment, he felt a strange attraction - something he hadn't experienced in a long time. But he quickly pushed it aside, focusing on the task at hand. He was here to carry out his orders, not to feel. He took another step towards the woman, his weapon raised.

But something kept holding him back. It was as if he was being pulled in two different directions - the part of him that was a soldier following orders, and the part of him that was a man, feeling something he hadn't felt in years. It was a strange and unsettling feeling, but he couldn't ignore it.

He continued to stand there, frozen, his weapon raised, his heart churning with doubt and conflict. He knew that he should carry out his orders, but he also knew that he didn't want to kill an innocent woman who reminded him of his own mother. He was caught in a tug-of-war between duty and desire, between the task at hand and his own emotions.

He stood there, frozen, his heart racing with conflicting emotions. For the first time in years, he felt something strange - something he hadn't felt since the day he'd lost his mother. It was a feeling he couldn't name or explain, but it was powerful nonetheless. He felt a strange attraction to this woman, despite the fact that he was here to hurt her.

Despite himself, he felt himself drawn to her - her red hair, her face, everything about her reminding him about her.

Noah's heart ached at her words. He knew that he shouldn't feel this way - he was here to carry out his orders, not to feel compassion. But he couldn't help it. He lowered his weapon again, feeling a strange and unexpected sense of guilt and remorse.

He stood there, frozen, his mind reeling with conflicting emotions. He was caught between the orders he was given, and the feelings he was experiencing. He didn't know what to do - should he follow his orders, or should he follow his heart? For the first time in a long time, Noah faced a quandary he didn't know how to solve. He was torn between duty and desire, between the task at hand and the woman in front of him.

He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. He knew that he had to make a decision - but which one? The choice he made would shape the rest of his life, and he didn't want to make the wrong one. How could he reconcile the conflict inside of him? How could he decide between the orders he was given and the emotions he was feeling?

He stood there, frozen, trapped in a conflict within himself. He was torn between duty and desire, between the man he was supposed to be and the man he felt himself becoming. It was a strange and unsettling feeling, but it was also a powerful one - for the first time in a long time, Noah felt something he hadn't felt in years.

Maybe it was the adrenaline or the fact that he hadn't slept well for weeks but his mind took a steer decided to a thing he has never done.

The rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins, Noah stood at the threshold of a grim-looking room, one that would change the course of his career and the fate of a stranger in danger.

In a mere second, Noah made the decision to do the unthinkable - to break protocol and spare the woman, not only that, he would risk it all to sneak her out and provide her shelter, even if it meant putting his career in jeopardy.

Noah was a man of action, accustomed to following orders without question or hesitation. But today, he would go against the status quo, guided by his heart and a sense of purpose that was newfound. With a plan in motion, he set out, determined to do everything in his power to help the woman before him, regardless of the consequences.

As Noah's mind raced with possibilities, he knew that he had to act quickly. The operation was ending, and there were still soldiers in the mansion who could catch them at any moment. The woman was unconscious, which meant that Noah would have to carry her out of the building on his own. But Noah wasn't scared - he was determined. He knew that the risks were great, but he also knew that he couldn't leave this woman behind.

With a deep breath, Noah put his plan into action. He gently lifted the woman's body and carefully made his way towards the exit. As he walked, he could hear the footsteps of the remaining soldiers echoing through the halls. Noah knew that he had to move quickly and quietly - any mistake could mean disaster for both of them.

As Noah reached the exit, he let out a slow breath of relief. He had made it out in one piece - the woman was still unconscious, but she was safe. And while Noah didn't know what the future held, he was determined to keep her safe until he could figure out what to do next.

"Noah," Amir called from behind. Noah cursed under his breath - they were escaping, and they only had a few seconds to spare.

"What's happening?" Amir asked, the shock and confusion evident in his eyes.

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