Chapter fourteen

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Anna's flight from the confines of her prison left her breathless, but it was not due to fear. She was no longer bound by the walls that once held her captive, and her lungs filled with the cool night air. The sounds of animals and wind in the leaves may have once terrified her, but now, they meant she was alive and free.

With each step, she felt a growing wave of euphoria that gave her the courage to keep moving forward. She had spent five long months plotting her escape, biding her time, pretending to fall in love with her captor, and now, her plan had finally come to fruition. Her feet, once bound by chains, now flew over the ground with the speed of the wind.

And as the sun began to rise and the dawn of a new day cast light upon her freedom, Anna knew that her escape was not just from an institution but from her own past and regrets. She was free from the mistakes that once defined her, and she was now ready to embrace a new future and pursue her dreams.

After her ordeal, Anna couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and hope for the future.
Her debts were in the past now, paid with a cost that was almost too high to bear. Her purity and her life had been put on the line, but in the end, it was worth it. Her brother's life was saved, and the nagging debt collectors would no longer be a threat. She was finally free, and she was ready to start fresh.

Her mind was filled with dreams and aspirations for the future, and she couldn't wait to finally live the life she had always wanted. All the suffering she had endured was now behind her, and she was ready to face the world with a newfound confidence and determination.

Yes, it had cost her a lot, more than she could have ever imagined, but the sacrifices she had made were worth it. She was finally free, and the world was hers for the taking. It was time to live again, to dream again, and to conquer everything that the future had in store for her.

Anna's thoughts went back to a time filled with darkness, when she had prayed for death. She recalled the things she had done that had killed her soul, and when filthy men's hands had left behind an icky sensation that she could still feel. Yes She had been forced into these situations, but she had made the choice to do what was necessary.

The day the strange soldier had come, aiming his weapon at her, she had been ready to end it all. But he had come and saved her, pulling her back before she could overdose herself. Her soul had been grateful, but she couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that had followed. She didn't know if he truly meant what he said, but she was grateful for the second chance he had given her.

But as she pondered the stranger's kindness, a seed of doubt began to grow within her. Would he still have been merciful if he had known the truth about her? At the end of the day, he was still one of the the special forces of the state's soldier. The one she and her brother grow up loathing. But The sins she had accumulated and the things she had done to survive would surely have been enough to justify his actions.

Despite her newfound sense of gratitude, she couldn't shake the feeling that at any moment, he would turn on her and finish her off. The thought left her feeling vulnerable, but she refused to let it dampen her newfound sense of hope. The mistakes of her past did not define who she was, and she was determined to start fresh. It was time to leave her mistakes behind and start living again.

As Anna emerged from the forest, she was met with the sight of two soldiers standing guard at the end of the street. The sudden realization of her predicament made her heart sink. In her desperation to escape, she had forgotten about the soldiers and military men who would be assessing the streets. She also knew that any woman found alone on the streets would be thrown into a cell.

With a heavy heart, Anna decided to rest in the forest for the day, hoping that the cover of darkness would increase her chances of reaching safety. She climbed up a nearby tree and settled down, feeling the rough bark beneath her. Her mind was awhirl with thoughts of freedom, but she couldn't shake off the fear that weighed on her chest, threatening to crush her.

As the sun began to set, Anna felt the first drops of rain on her skin. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, letting the forest's calming energy wash over her. A sense of determination began to rise within her, and she knew that she couldn't let fear paralyze her.

She would wait until the night fell, and then she would begin her journey to Igor. The journey would take her two days, but she was determined to make it, even if it meant facing the soldiers and the military men that had haunted her past. She would not let her past define her, and she would not let them define her future. With each passing moment, Anna felt a newfound sense of strength and bravery, and she was ready to face whatever lay ahead.

As the sun began to set, the sky painted with shades of red and orange, Anna found a small clearing amongst the trees. She had run for what felt like hours to escape the soldiers and the military men who seemed to be everywhere these days.

For a moment, Anna rested under the swaying branches, inhaling the cool air in the forest. She was tired and hungry, feeling the full weight of the last few months bearing down on her. But she didn't let it discourage her. She was determined to survive and start anew, even if it meant lying down on the hard forest floor.

Suddenly, a ray of the moon light broke through the tree canopy, casting a beam of white across the clearing. Anna's heart skipped a beat as she watched the moon's rays dance on the leaves above, creating a beautiful, almost magical scene. And for a moment, she could almost forget the pain and the horror of the past year.

But the moment was fleeting, and soon night fell, casting the forest in darkness. Anna had to keep moving, but she couldn't shake the sense of fear and uncertainty that crept up on her. What if those soldiers from earlier were still around? What if she was caught and thrown into a cell, or worse, executed for running away?

And so, as night fell and the forest came alive with the sounds of creatures roaming, Anna slipped into the shadows, her spirit burning with a newfound fire. She was done hiding and running. It was time to face the world and make her way back to the one person she knew could help her. She would go to Igor again, no matter what it took.

Suddenly, a twig snapped, and Anna bolted upright, her heart racing as the adrenaline surged through her veins. She peered into the darkness, searching for the source of the sound. Her hands shaking, she waited for what seemed like hours, her breath coming in short gasps.

As the night wore on and the creatures' sounds seemed to grow louder, Anna grew more and more scared. She had no weapons and no means of defense, and she could feel the terror creeping up on her like a dark cloud.

She couldn't bear it anymore. She had to keep moving, keep fighting, keep living. There was no other choice. She took a deep breath and stepped back out into the darkness, determined to make it through the night and reach Igor before it was too late.

Every step seemed like a lifetime as she moved through the forest, the noise of the creatures and the fear of being caught by the soldiers weighing on her like a heavy burden. She moved as quietly as possible, her heart pounding in her chest, her mind racing with thoughts of survival and escape.

As the night wore on, the fear grew stronger, and Anna felt as if she were being consumed by it. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to go wrong, that she was going to be caught, and that this would all have been for nothing.

She stumbled through the darkness, feeling as if she were wandering in a never-ending forest of fear and uncertainty. The fear seemed to follow her like an inescapable shadow, a constant reminder of the things she had done and the price she had paid.

Finally, the night began to lighten, and Anna saw the first faint signs of dawn. She knew she was almost there, that she was close to reaching Igor and safety. But as she stumbled forward, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to go wrong.

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