Chapter six

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Anna woke up in a cold sweat, her heart pounding in her chest. She was disoriented and confused, unsure of where she was or how she got there. As she sat up, she noticed she was lying on a soft bed, with a thick, fluffy blanket wrapped around her. The room was dimly lit, with warm yellow lamps casting a gentle glow.

She tried to remember what had happened, but her memory was foggy and jumbled. The last thing she remembered was a feeling of fear and uncertainty as she stood in the empty doorway of a strange room. Now, she was in a completely different place, and she had no idea how she got here.

"Where am I?" she muttered to herself, her voice trembling with fear.

Then she heard a voice from across the room. "You're in my safe house," he said, his voice deep and authoritative. It was the same man who had saved her from the soldiers in the mansion.

"Stay still," the man orders, his voice cold and authoritative. The woman looks around, trying to figure out where she is, but she can't see anything but darkness. She begins to tremble, feeling a sense of fear and vulnerability she's never experienced before.

"But where are we?" Anna asked, still feeling disoriented.

The man stepped into the lamplight, revealing a muscular and imposing frame. He was dressed in a military uniform that looked expensive and well-made. His eyes were dark and intense, as if he was looking for something.

"You don't need to know that," he said, his voice stern. "All you need to know is that you're safe here."

Anna felt her heart pounding in her chest as she looked at him. She didn't trust him, not after all that she had been through.

"I want to leave," she said, her voice trembling.

The man's expression turned angry, and his face twisted into a scowl.

"I said you're not going anywhere," he said, his voice laced with authority. "You're staying here until we figure out what to do with you."

Anna felt a flicker of fear run through her. She didn't know who this man was or what he wanted with her, but she knew she couldn't leave until he let her. She tried to remain calm, but she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had been haunting her since she woke up.

Anna scanned the small room desperately, looking for any sign of escape or any clue as to where she was. But the only thing her eyes seemed to land on was an old cot at the opposite end of the room, and the imposing figure of a man standing a few feet away from her, watching her every move with no words exchanged between them.

He was still wearing the military uniform that she remembered him in, but something about his demeanor made her uneasy. His eyes were hard and cold, and he seemed to be studying her with a keen, almost predatory intensity. Anna tried to swallow down the pit of fear that had formed in her stomach, but it was no use. She was trapped, and she had no idea what he was going to do with her.

She wished she could say something to break the tension, but her tongue refused to cooperate. She was afraid to even breathe too loudly, afraid of what it might set him off. So she just sat there, frozen in place, her heart beating faster with each passing moment.

" what's your name?"

Anna flinched as the question rang out in the silent room. She had expected him to say something, anything, but not this. Not just a dry question, devoid of any emotion or feeling. She wondered if he was trying to intimidate her, or if he was just curious. Either way, it felt like he was playing some kind of power game, and she didn't like it.

"Anna," she said finally, her voice trembling. "My name is Anna."

She watched as the soldier's expression became unreadable, his eyes narrowing slightly as he processed the information. Then, without any further word, he turned away and walked towards the door. For a moment, Anna thought he was leaving her alone, but then he turned back and said one last thing.

"I'm keeping watch. Don't try anything stupid," he said, his voice dripping with authority.

With that, he was gone, and Anna was left alone in the small room, her mind racing with questions and fears. She didn't know what was going to happen next, but she had a feeling it wouldn't be good.

Anna had been lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling for what felt like hours. She had tried to sleep, to calm her racing mind, but it was no use. She was too afraid, too confused. And then, suddenly, she heard a sound. It was subtle at first, almost impossible to make out over the sound of her own breathing. But as she listened, it grew louder, more distinct - footsteps, approaching the door.

The fear that had been simmering in her chest since she woke up in this room suddenly swelled to a full boil. She sat up, her heart racing, as the footsteps grew closer. The door creaked open, letting in a sliver of light, and she saw him standing there, holding a tray of food in his hand.

"I brought you something to eat," he said, his voice just above a whisper.

He set the tray down on a small table next to the bed, and then he left the room, closing the door softly behind him. Anna watched him go, her heart thudding in her chest. She wanted to scream at him to come back, to explain himself, but she was too afraid.

She sat there for a few minutes, staring at the food on the tray. She was hungry, she realized, but she couldn't bring herself to touch it. What if it was poisoned? What if he was watching her, waiting for her to drop dead? The thought made her stomach flip, and she pushed it away.

Finally, she reached out and picked up a piece of bread. It was stale, but it was food, and she was hungry. She took a small bite, and then another. It felt good to have something in her belly, even if it was just a scrap of bread.

She had no idea how long she sat there, slowly picking at the food, but eventually the tray was empty, and the room was silent again. She lay down and closed her eyes, feeling the weariness descend over her like a heavy blanket. She was still afraid, still confused, but she was too tired to stay awake any longer.

She drifted off to sleep, her mind filled with questions: Who was he? Where was she? What did he want with her? And when would this nightmare finally be over?

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