Chapter two

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"Gentlemen," the captain began, his voice low but commanding. "We have been given a highly sensitive and top-secret mission. We have received orders from the highest echelons of the state to track down and eliminate a group of individuals who are involved in adultery, alcohol, and drug consumption. These people are members of the wealthy elite, and they hold positions of power and influence within society. The state has been monitoring these individuals for some time now, and we have been given the green light to take them out."

The soldiers listened intently, their faces grim and determined. They knew that this mission was one of the most important and dangerous they had ever been given. They were trained to follow orders, no matter the cost, and they were prepared to do whatever was necessary to complete the mission.

"Now, let me be clear about something," the captain continued. "This is not a regular military operation. We are not operating within the confines of the law. Our mission is to take out these targets with extreme precision and efficiency, with no regard for collateral damage or civilian casualties. And let me be clear about something else: these individuals are not to be spared. They are to be executed, no exceptions. I want that to be absolutely clear to each and every one of you. Do I make myself clear? This mission is high-priority for the state, and we must complete it successfully and quickly. We will be going in hard and fast, so be ready for anything. This is our chance to prove our loyalty to the state and to show that we are capable of handling any situation, no matter how challenging. Be focused, be smart, and be ruthless. We have the element of surprise on our side, so let's not waste it. We need to make sure that not a soul survives this mission, no exceptions. Do you all understand?"

The soldiers stand at attention, their faces grim and resolute. They have been through countless training exercises, and they have seen the horrors of war. But this is different. This is not a training exercise or a battle on the battlefield.

As Noah and his team make their way to the mansion, they find themselves surrounded by tense silence. The soldiers are focused on their mission, with their eyes fixed ahead, not even glancing to the sides. The only sound breaking the silence is the sound of their heavy footsteps on the ground. Noah, at the front of the group, leads the way, his strides long and purposeful. As they approach the mansion, the tension seems to thicken, like a layer of fog that hangs heavy in the air.

"Remember," the captain says, his voice serious. "We are not here to play nice. This is a mission, and it's our duty to carry it out to the best of our abilities. No one is to be spared. No one is off-limits. We have orders to eliminate everyone in this mansion, regardless of their affiliation or gender. That means, gentlemen, that even the women in this mansion are not to be spared. These orders come from the top echelon of our state, and we must carry them out without reservation. Do you understand?"

The soldiers nod, their faces grim and determined. They know the gravity of the situation, and they understand the orders that have been given to them. They are not here to question, but to execute. And that is exactly what they will do, no matter the cost.

"And, make no mistake, gentlemen," the captain continued, "this is not a mission to capture or question. This is a mission to eliminate. Every last soul, man and woman, within this mansion is to be executed at any cost. The women involved in this conspiracy are not to be spared. They are to be treated with no more mercy than the men who've betrayed the state. Our orders are clear: there is to be no quarter given. Do you all understand?"

The soldiers had just received their orders from the captain, and they were about to embark on what would prove to be one of the most difficult missions of their careers. They gathered in a secluded corner of the army base, away from prying eyes and ears. The captain stood at the front, his expression stern as he addressed the soldiers.

There was a weight of silence that hung over the group, a tension that was almost palpable in the air. The soldiers knew what they were about to do, and they knew that it was not an honorable or noble act, but they were soldiers, and they followed orders without question. The captain's orders were clear: execute every last person in the mansion, no exceptions. They would do as they were told, no matter the cost. As they moved towards the mansion, the soldiers' steps became heavier, their hearts heavy with the weight of the mission ahead.

The sun had just set over the city when the team of heavily armored and heavily armed soldiers quietly assembled at the base of the mansion. With the captain's instructions in mind, they were ready for anything. However, nothing could have prepared them for the bloodbath that was about to unfold.

As the soldiers moved into the dimly lit halls, they were greeted by the sound of sobbing and pleading. Most of the people they encountered begged for their lives, crying and pleading for mercy. Some of them were so overcome with fear that they crumpled to the floor, unable to form coherent words. Others cried out in agony, their voices filled with despair. The women were no exception, some crying out in terror, others under the influence of drugs and abuse to even know what happened.

As the operation was coming to an end, Noah stumbled upon something that caught him off guard. He heard a whimper from a room, and as he approached, his heart sank. The sight that greeted him was shocking, a scene of utter depravity and cruelty.

Noah stood frozen in the doorway, staring at the woman lying helplessly on the bed. Her red hair, in disarray, reminded him of his own mother, who had long had the same fiery locks. He felt a lump form in his throat as he saw the look of defeat and hopelessness in the woman's eyes. It was obvious from the sight she was drugged and abused, her legs spread wide open and her eyes staring at the ceiling.

Noah stood there, frozen, his mind reeling with conflicting emotions. On the one hand, he knew that he had his orders and that he was expected to carry them out with no exceptions. On the other hand, he couldn't bring himself to kill a woman who looked like she'd given up all hope, especially when she reminded him of his own late mother.

The woman looked up at him, her face and red hair reminiscent of his own mother, the woman he loved more than anything in the world. Her eyes were distant and glassy, as if she were somewhere far away, her mind not fully present in the moment.

Noah's heart ached as he took a step towards her, his resolve shaken and his mind churning with doubt. He knew that he was going against his orders, and he didn't know what the consequences would be.

The woman stared up at him, her eyes devoid of emotion, as if she had given up all hope. She offered no resistance, no plea for mercy. Instead, she closed her eyes and tilted her head, as if she were ready to accept whatever fate lay ahead.

"It's okay," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "Go ahead."

Noah's heart broke as he looked down at her, reminded of the pain and loss he had felt when he'd lost his own mother. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. He knew that he was choosing a different path than the one that had been laid out for him, but he also knew that it was the path he had to take.

"Go ahead, do it," she whispered weakly, barely audible over the sound of her labored breathing. "End it."

Noah's heart ached as he saw the woman's eyes, filled with tears and sorrow. She looked at him with a mixture of resignation and hope, as if she needed to tell him something important before she died.

Noah's heart ached at her words. He had his orders, but a part of him didn't want to carry them out. He looked down at the woman, her red hair flowing around her pale face. For a moment, he thought he saw the face of his own mother, the woman he had loved and adored more than anyone in the world.

He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself as he felt the weight of duty and the memory of his own mother bearing down on him. He raised his weapon, his eyes filling with tears.

Noah's hand shook as he aimed the weapon at the woman's head, unable to do it. He closed his eyes and tried to pull the trigger, but to no avail. It was as if his body stopped taking commandment. But he knew he has to do it, he just needed a second. Perhaps some minutes to stare at this strange woman that suddenly reminded him of everything good in his heart. Perhaps a moment of serendipity won't hurt.

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