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After having a hot shower I came inside the room only to find nidha towering over ameera with either of her hands blocking ameera from escaping

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After having a hot shower I came inside the room only to find nidha towering over ameera with either of her hands blocking ameera from escaping.

"Hey you creepy writer get your nasty hands off of my sister"

I said shoving nidha to the bed and hugging ameera close to me .

"Seriously the moment you started writing , none of us are safe from being harassed from you , last time it was me , before that ayesha and now ameera! For god sake leave us alone u creepy writer"

I gasped dramatically pointing accusing fingers at nidha while clutching ameera close to me as if protecting her .

Nidha just rolled her eyes at me making me more offended.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me young lady, do you even kno-"

Before I could continue ranting and lecturing nidha about how I took care of her when she was just an infant , ayesha barged in .

"Geez , what kinda of generation is this , these  old hags are shouting and us youngsters are preferring peace"

"Exactly ayesha , someone is getting too old that she has even started nagging like a grandma"

Nidha said trying to hi-five ayesha only to meet with the air .

"Well I included you too when I called them old hags soulmate"

Ayesha said sassily making me and ameera crack up in fits of laughter.

"Do you need an ice for that burn nidha"

Ameera asked making nidha look at her with a cold expression . "Ok that's new , nidha never looks at ameera coldly more like its the opposite she will be looking at her like a lovesick puppy" "what on earth even happened here?" As if sensing my thoughts ayesha questioned .

"What happened, why were you all even making so much noise?"

She said looking to and fro in between nidha and ameera who stayed silent.

"Oh it's nothing just nidha being in her writer's world and harassing us poor souls"

I replied dodging the bullet for them as both of them looked uninterested to give the actual answer.

"Koi nahi bad mai pata laga lungi"

(No problem, I will find out the actual matter later)

I thought to myself.

"Chee , don't tell me she told you to strip like she said to me last time"

Ayesha said in a horrified expression , successfully diverting all of our attention.

"Wtf , you made ayesha strip"

ALHUBU : THE UNDYING LOVE #1Where stories live. Discover now