chapter 20

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The cityscape rushed past the train's glass windows bearing rows of brick buildings drawn with graffiti, short stooping apartments, and rows of small bushy trees. The haze surrounding the city of Chicago was melting into bright deep yellow and orange splotches as the sun nestled further down skyscrapers shielding the sky. You sighed to yourself, enamored by the beauty.

"This is one of my favorite things to do, watchin' the sunset on the train. Call me a romantic Doll, but this is the best way to enjoy this stupid fuckin' city." Charles spoke softly across from your seat on the train. His long legs were laid haphazardly with one foot to the seat beside you, and another crossed above it. His lips loosely held a smoke billowing cigarette, curled into a smile.

"Yeah, I really enjoy watching the sunset. It's so calming and peaceful. I haven't had the chance to see it on the train, though. I'm kinda a homebody." You snorted to yourself. Chucky creased an eyebrow at you.

"Really?" He scoffed. "Whaddya do cooped up inside all day?"

"Anything I set my mind to, really. I love making art." You smiled, fingers folding into one another.

"That's one way to fuckin' cope." Chuck snorted and drew in his cigarette. Though he noted with curiosity, would you draw him?

"Yeah, and weed." You caught his eyes and barked out a laugh. Charles sniggered, scrunching up his features.

"You're killin' me, kid." He sighed, whipping away a stray tear from his eye. You caught his eyes with a kind smile. Charles' bright greenish blue orbs sparkled in the gleam of the sunset, his black hair drooping against his cheeks. His sharp features glowed luminously with sunlight. Desperately, you leaned in to kiss him, and he quickly spat out his cigarette to capture your lips. Chucky moaned at the taste of your tongue, and you hummed. Your hands grasped to cup his face, pulling him closer to you.

"Oh, doll, I wanna ravish you, lemme devour you," Charles growled under his breath and you blushed fiercely.

"Will you two please stop, this is a public train!" A high pitched voice screeched beside you. Charles sharply drew out a breath, leaving your lips with distain. An elderly lady with an abundantly flower thronged hat held a sharp displeased look, sitting in the adjacent row of seats.

Charles scowled, "Fuck off, lady."

"I- I beg your pardon!" She sharply drew in a breath, clutching her chest. The man across from her on his phone paid her no mind, drawing further to the window.

"Ya heard me, y'old bat! Fuck off. Mind your own goddamn business." He snarled, drawing to your lips.

You smirked. "Yeah, fuck off," You spoke through Charles' lips. The snooty lady scoffed to herself, and drew her attention to the window away from the pair of you.

When the train arrived at its following stop, Chucky grabbed your hand. "C'mon, this is our stop." He said, and dragged you up from your seat. You hurriedly grabbed your backpack before Chucky could tow you into the aisle. You tripped slightly over your feet, losing your balance and falling to your knees.

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