chapter 16, The Knock at the Door

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//smut warning XD

By the time you had woken, the sun had risen far above the horizon and nestled itself in the sky above. Andy was awake, as you discovered him reading on the couch by your side. You yawned, swiping sleep from your eyes and face. Your discarded books that Chucky had made a mess of were no longer on the floor, but back on their shelves. You hummed with a smile. He was quite sweet.

"Good morning, Andy." You mumbled, still rubbing your eyes. Time alluded you, though sleep was still creeping at the back of your mind.

"Good morning Nor!" He responded with a smile, though it was clear he was very invested in the comic he had found.

"Did Charles put these books up?" You asked him.

"I dunno, they were like that when I woke up." Andy shrugged.

"Where is he anyways? Have you seen Charles?"

"Chucky? Sure. He's in and out of the kitchen but I haven't seen him for a bit." Andy said, still holding his comic.

"Alright then, Andy, have you had breakfast?" You asked him, annoyingly reminded of food through your growling stomach. Chuck probably hadn't fed the kid either.

"I had a little cereal but uhm- I'm still hungry..."

"That's alright then, we can fix that!" You resolved with a smile. "I'll make some pancakes, alright?"

"Yum! Great!" Andy grinned, slobber dribbling from his lips.

You laughed, walking into the kitchen. "Alrighty then." You chose some ingredients from your cabinets and a pan from the oven's compartment. You sighed to yourself, looking at the items for a moment. "Okay," You said to yourself. Walking back in the living room, you checked on Andy for a moment. Still fine. Your paranoia was restless. You weren't sure what you expected to happen after the events of last night. Maybe police officers knocking down your door, arresting the both of you, taking Andy away to God knows where-. Shit. You had to relax yourself before your state of tension got worse.

You drew into the hallway leading to your bedroom to hear rushing water from the bathroom. Surprising, the door was open, and you drew into the steam filled room with curiosity.

"Chucky?" You hummed through the steam.

The curtain drew back with a swift moment and you were greeted with a naked Charles Lee wet from the shower head dripping water. "Hey, can't a guy take a shower in here?" He groaned, then smiled at the sight of you.

You chuckled at his form. He looked like a wet puppy dog! "Oh Charles," You smiled.

"Alright, alright. C'mere." He growled and moved to snatch onto your arm and drag you into the watery tub with him.

"Ohmygod- shit! My clothes-" You remarked and at how wet your hair was getting. He could only snarl at the sight of you. Your form dripping wet and helpless. Oh, if only he could help you. Charles pulled you up by your arms into a kiss, to which you feverishly responded to.

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