chapter 21 + update!!

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You found Chucky balled up on the floor when you returned downstairs. His crumpled form furrowed his hands deep into his hair with knees clung tight to his chest. You ran over to him, and put a hand on his back.

"Hey, what's wrong?" You asked shyly.

Charles drew his head up from the floor and gave you a look filled with anger.

"You wanna help me kill a bitch?" He gruffed and you reached a hand to brush unruly strands of hair from his face.

"Who's pissed you off?"

Charles scoffed. "Tiffany Valentine." He said sarcastically. "She's been a fuckin' nuisance."

"Oh," You sighed, joining him to sit on the floor. "Was that the person that called?"

He drew a look at you again. "Yeah. Figures you don't remember her after I knocked you out."


"With the car- it wasn't on purpose or anythin',"

You shook your head with a smile. You could barely remember the afternoon, vaguely recalling the warehouse you had arrived at. "Anyway, who is she?"

"Ex." Charles gruffed and your eyes shot wide.

"Oh," You murmured, anxiety filling your gut. "Recent one I guess?"

His eyebrows furrowed, and drew slowly up from the floor. "Doll, I was barely with her when I met ya. Didn't even come after me when Mikey was chasin' me."

"You were still together?!" You scoffed, pulling your hand away from his face. He could barely look at the hurt expression you bore.

"I just broke it off with her, I swear I haven't seen 'er since that night." Charles' head shook and expression remained firm as he looked at you.

"You swear?" You scoffed, unbelieving.

"Doll, you're the only one I've been around for days. Y'think I have time to mess around with some broad?" He hissed, taking your hand. You were reluctant, but allowed him to take it. Your features softened.

"Yeah... but what about this morning when you left? Could've seen her." You huffed, still vaguely upset at him.

"Doll, c'mon," Charles huffed, eyes pleading. "I didn't wanna wake ya. Just left for that damn bird-"

"I had a bad nightmare." You interrupted somberly.

His eyebrows furrowed. "What, you wanted ol' Chuck to comfort you when you woke up?" He scoffed, rolling his eyes. As if.

Your eyes welled with tears. "You died."

Charles' eyes widened in surprise, and pulled you close with a mumble. You relaxed under his hold, pulling your arms around him.

"Ain't nobody's gonna catch me. You've got nothin' to worry about." He cooed to you. You nestled your head further into the crook of his neck.

"It was Mike,"

His body stiffened sharply, and moved a hand to pet your head.


"He shot you. I watched you die," You sobbed, clutching him closer.

"You're not gonna be blamed for his death, they're gonna pin it on me, doll. It's gonna be alright." Charles comforted, stroking your hair. His eyebrows were furrowed, holding a sharp expression you couldn't see.

"But I don't want that either," You choked out, sobbing further.

Shit. He said somethin' wrong. Comfort never being his best work, he had only ignored Tif when she had cried. She'd been pissed at him for never consoling her, but he would only turn away in disdain. But with you, something pushed him to hold you close. In all honesty, when you cried it made him a wreck. He hated it, wanting anything to make you smile again.

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