chapter 1, is there a god?

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"What...?" Nora queried a brow at the small boy who simply smiled back at her.

He tugged at the sleeve of his Good Guy pajamas and kindly spoke without faulting, "He said his real name is Charles Lee Ray and he says that if you know what's good for you you'll let him watch the damn news you fucking bitch."

In all the years you had known Andy, he never spoke this way to her, his babysitter.

Nora had known the Barclay family for quite some time now. She first grew close to them when she moved into their apartment complex by herself two years prior. That was when she could call herself more of a mess than now.

The pair arrived on her stoop one morning with a few pieces of burnt toast smeared thickly with butter and orange juice to accompany it.

Karen ushered Nora with an explanation upon looking at her shocked face. She said that Andy was always adamant on greeting new tenants and making new friends whenever possible. The small boy had a beaming look on his face, and he gushed about a TV show he loved that preached morals of friendship, sharing and kindness.

Nora only wanted to yack at the naïvety of it all.

Kindness? Friendship? Please, people only lie to you, Nora had thought grimly.

And yet, the kid managed to worm his way into her heart with slow afternoons spent babysitting him where he would craft the girl scrumptious pieces of burnt toast with spoonfuls of butter. She was the only babysitter who would ask for seconds.

Nora knew, she felt that Andy wouldn't swear without reason. He never swore for that matter. These were not the words of the sweet boy she had grown to care for. Furthermore, those were definitely not words that Andy had thought up himself. Something was up.

"Really?" She asked, bending down to Andy who proudly wore his Good Guy pajamas. He nodded his little head at Nora's question, only heightening her suspicions. The kid never lied. She knew that.

Though even if Andy was unintentionally lashing out because his mom was working on the night of his sixth birthday, it didn't mean that he should be punished for feeling upset. Nora knew better than to reprimand him.

Still, those words drummed around in her head, puzzling her brain.

You fucking bitch.

Where had Andy heard those words? He was only six, for christsake. Nora stared down at the doll who was now wrapped in Andy's arms and bit her lip. Its retched blue eyes stared blankly back in her direction with a never-ceasing smile. It mocked her. Nora purses her lips and her eyebrows furrow deeper.

Something was wrong and she could feel it in her gut.

Her mind drew back to the name Andy had given for the doll.

What was it again? Charles? No, there was more to it than that, some fancy-ass long name. Ones that you would hear in the paper- the paper!

"Alright Andy, did you brush your teeth, sweet boy?" She changed the subject to, and put her hands on her hips. The kid's eyebrows drew back in surprise.

"Do we need a stink test?" She threatened foolishly, and tickled his sides and his arms to loosen his hold around the doll.

"Noooo!" He giggled while gasping for air, struggling to regain his breath. Nora ceased her light teasing as he dropped the ginger doll to the floor to swat her hands. She was quick to grab the doll and spin Andy around to face the bathroom.

"Go on then, I can read you a book in bed once you're ready." She encouraged while lightly pushing him towards the small bathroom.

Once he's gone, Nora rushes to the living room to look for the morning paper, which sat perched on the kitchen counter. She gingerly lays the doll down in a plush chair, caring more for grabbing the paper.

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