Chapter 40 Hidden

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Eric doesn't seem to understand the term 'private' because he is letting us watch him and Alex spar. The whole reason of why me and Alex train separately is because we both lost our fights for different reasons. Eric has his hands held at arm length and Alex is hitting them with his fists in different combos.

Max isn't here as Damien mentioned something about him going out to town but Max doesn't strike me as the type of person who takes walks through town. Kingston and Damien are both sat on the bench behind me and it's weird. We haven't spoken in so long and it feels as though we are strangers again. Everything is backwards!

I watch Alex now perform a double punch to Eric's open palm and the old man doesn't even flinch or fall back, he keeps his stance and gives words of encouragement every now and then urging Alex to punch harder. Every flex of his shoulder blades sends me into a trance as I admire in silence how he makes fighting look so effortless.

Behind me I feel a tap on my shoulder, turning around Damien smiles half-heartedly and I give a tentative smile in return.

"Hey," he says.

"Umm hi?" Buts in Kingston, "I'm sat right here."

I roll my eyes at his feeble attempt at lifting the mood.

"Hello Kingston," I say mockingly and he frowns but amusement dances in his eyes.

"How's everything, you know, been?" Damien questions and he seems hesitant to ask and in all honesty I'm hesitant to answer. Out the corner of my eye I notice Kingston eyeing me too awaiting an answer. I feel guilty that I am about to lie to him, to them both even.

Kingston has trusted me with a secret he hasn't even told his closest friends, his brothers and I'm about to betray that trust but I am selfish. For the first I am selfish and I am doing this for me.

I nod and flash a smile, "it's been hard work and he grinds me to the bone but it'll all be worth it. Once Eric is finally done with me I'll be an even better fighter."

You mean once Eric is done with you you'll finally be dead.

I ignore that thought.

Kingston nods rubbing a hand along his jaw and Damien says, "just make sure you don't overwork yourself. It would be a shame to have my secret admirer falter."

I raise a brow, "admirer huh?"

Damien smirks before flicking his hair out of his eyes, "duh, you love me Blair Abbot."

"Dude she literally rejected you the first time you met her," voices Kingston and I hover a hand over my mouth to hide my laughter. I swear a tint of pink blotches on Damien's cheeks and Kingston winks at me.

"It's not my fault she's hard to get," Mr Grumpy pants grumps and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Now that I think about it, what isn't a catch about Damien? I mean he toddler tantrums, gets pouty when he doesn't get his way, grumps when girls don't throw themselves at him."

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