chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Cherry Restaurant.

- You don't look okay, why don't you rest more? – Minji received a text message from SuA about offwork  the other day. SuA took a full day off from work and then showed up at the restaurant today, plus the day she went to the hot springs with Siyeon for a total of 2 days off.

- I'm feeling better, staying at home all the time is boring, going to work is better - SuA frowned, an active person like her would be very frustrated if she was forced to crawl in one place all day.

It's been a long time since she's been this sick with a fever. Surely it was because the temperature of the hot mineral spring was too high, and with the addition of Lee Siyeon's heat, she couldn't stand it and felt like she was about to faint.

She followed inertia to make Siyeon completely naked, then her insides were like a fire burning, then Siyeon stuck out the tongue to touch her body, making her like a volcano erupting.

It wasn't the first time seeing Siyeon naked, but this time she saw it more clearly, when it was still very bright. SuA felt extremely dangerous, she told herself that if she did that with Siyeon in the future, she would do it in the dark.

She had been thinking about it with Siyeon all this month. She took every opportunity to get close to Siyeon in a subtle way, but in the end her health prevented the plan from succeeding.

The past 2 days SuA stayed at Siyeon's house, wore Siyeon’s clothes, was taken care of by her, hugged her to sleep at night. Siyeon still has to work, so she takes care of SuA while working. While she works, SuA will sit and play with Shin.

Baby Shin is almost 1 year old and is getting cuter and cuter by the day. SuA and Shin hadn't seen each other for several months, but when they saw each other again, Shin looked at her and burst out laughing, reaching out to cling to her continuously. When she dropped the baby on the bed, the baby cried again, asking her to cuddle him again.

Surely while Siyeon was pregnant with Shin, she hugged Siyeon’s belly a lot so Shin wrapped her like that.

The fact that SuA comes to Cherry to work today will make Siyeon unhappy, because Siyeon knows that she is not completely healthy. SuA received an interrogative text from Siyeon right away. She had just arrived at the restaurant. She didn't know how to respond appropriately to ease Siyeon’s anger, so she didn't text back for the time being.

“you’re still sick and where are you going?”

- Handong came here to look for you yesterday. It seems like you haven't contacted her? – Minji said.

- Has Handong arrived in Seoul?

- She came to Seoul the day you went out with Siyeon.

SuA pursed her lips. While at Siyeon's house, she received calls and messages from Handong but she refused everything. Part of her was afraid that Siyeon would be sad if Siyeon saw her phone because Siyeon spent most of the time with her. The other part was because she didn't know how to respond to Handong.

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