chapter 5

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Chapter 5.

Siyeon felt difficulty breathing, she suddenly moaned. Both hands were crushed by the other person's body, lips were crushed little by little. There was a caressing feeling going through every cell of her, her emotions were gradually being pushed to climax.

- Um……

*warning smut*

Bora went crazy with Siyeon's weak but seductive reactions. She slid her hand down to touch Siyeon’s  butt, squeezing it continuously. She breathed heavily and continued to attack Siyeon's mouth. When she left, a silver thread was pulled along, creating a sinister scene. Siyeon's nightgown was lifted from the bottom up.

Siyeon couldn't close her mouth, her breath was now coming out of her mouth, she stared blankly at the person above.

Kim Bora is truly so beautiful, her sharp appearance caught Siyeon’s attention when Siyeon accidentally saw her at the hotel restaurant. Until now Bora still didn't know, it was Siyeon who created the script that directed her to play at the casino, and sit opposite Mr.Lee.

Bora didn't do anything next, one hand was temporarily on Siyeon's round butt, but she saw that the other person's body was fully curved, breathing through Siyeon’s mouth as if in heat.

Bora bent down and placed her face in the crook of Siyeon's neck, licking. Siyeon trembled, holding tightly to the shoulder of the person above.

Bora kissed passionately from the hollow of Siyeon’s neck down to the collarbone, then she took the hem of Siyeon’s shirt and pulled it aside so that the breasts were exposed. Without any unnecessary movements, her tongue slowly explored that place. She massaged it a bit, pulled the other side of Siyeon’s shirt out, her eyes only focusing on the two swaying round fruit. Bora glanced up at Siyeon.

- Let me continue please?

Siyeon laughed arrogantly

- Since we met until now, this is the first time I've seen you ask permission before doing something.

- Sing.

- ………… - Siyeon quietly looked at the flirtatious face above.

- Why did you take the initiative to kiss me?

- You replied, didn't you? – Siyeon doesn't want to answer.

- I feel very comfortable when I'm with you. Up to this moment, I should have been scared, but I feel reassured when you're by my side.

- ……………….

- Why didn't you run away, why did you save me?

- Maybe…..because I don't want to lose you - Siyeon looked deeply into Bora's dark eyes.

- This is the first time I've seen you speak your mind honestly.

Siyeon turned away and smiled, she was really expressing her feelings to Bora more and more openly, something she rarely did.

Her usual face over the past few years has always been a calm lake.

Bora grabbed Siyeon's chin and pulled it to the center. She leaned down and kissed Siyeon again. Two hands rested on the round breasts, continuing to massage. Siyeon let out moans, her body constantly bending up and down, her hands crumpling the bed sheets. The nightgown was pulled down to her stomach, completely exposing her upper half.

The kiss got faster and faster until the oral cavity was really tired.

- Kiss below - Siyeon asked lightly, her voice full of charm and seduction, tingling from the waist down.

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