chapter 14

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Chapter 14

A quiet space took place, the noise was still echoing in a far corner. Everyone in this area was in a very happy mood except for one person.

Siyeon's heart skipped a beat, she suddenly realized that all this time, Dami had not said a single word to confirm their relationship. It was just Dami’s intimate actions that made her mistaken.

- Lee Dami, all the things you do to me, the sweet words you say, the affectionate actions you do, after everything, we are nothing? - Siyeon finished speaking, smiling really sardonic.

- …………… - Dami responded to the other person with a cold look.

- We've gone on many dates, you've always held my hand, hugged me, kissed my lips, and now you say we're not lovers?

- ………………….

- Ah, or maybe you mean we have to go to bed together and have sex to be called lovers, right? – Siyeon gradually changed her normal eyes to resentful eyes.

- Oh, so you want to go to bed with me and….

- Shut up!!

- …………….

- I'm pregnant and I will only sleep with someone I truly love.

- …………

- My feelings when I met you were just fleeting, nothing lasting, I will end this emotional part right here.

- …………….

- Goodbye Lee Dami.


2 weeks later.

Siyeon bowed her head and hugged the toilet. Lately she was having too much morning sickness and felt extremely tired. There is always someone around her, the maid Jo, who used to work in the Lee mansion, and has now moved to live with Siyeon in the house she just bought, to conveniently take care of her while she is pregnant.

Seonghwa knew Siyeon’s story thoroughly and said it was unacceptable, the first time she saw him very decisively. Siyeon felt relieved, her parents wouldn't be able to do anything anymore because currently no guy would dare to marry her.

And where is Siyeon living, Daegu?

No, she is currently in Seoul city, a place that is too strange for her. Siyeon has been to Seoul many times but only to travel. In Korea, there are many people who want to move away from their homeland to go to Seoul, the center of the capital, to have more money-making opportunities.

Siyeon's Lee family is already rich, she doesn't need to go anywhere, she just needs to listen to her family. She can choose to live a very leisurely life, which is to live in a villa with her parents, take over the hotel in which father Lee is a major shareholder, and marry a rich person that her father has arranged.

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