chapter 20

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Chapter 20.

In a house in Seoul.

Siyeon laid baby Shin down on the small bed, touched the baby's head with a kiss, covered the blanket up high and left the room. She approached her bedroom, a motionless body lying on the bed wearing comfortable pajamas.

Bora has been unconscious for a full day, and still shows no signs of waking up. She seemed like she was just sleeping, nothing serious. Siyeon called Jeno to ask about this. Jeno said that just wait a little longer and Bora will wake up.

And Siyeon prepared herself to witness a new Bora in front of her, Bora would no longer remember her at all. Siyeon also informed the maid Jo of this in advance so that Mrs.Jo wouldn't be surprised when she met Bora again.

The Oddeye solution that Bora drank is a chemical that damages the memory area of the brain. Bora did not have time to drink it all because Jeno snatched it away. He needed that solution to do his own work.

So this destruction probably won't be complete, Siyeon thinks that maybe Bora's memory will still be a bit. She had a second of hope that Bora would still recognize her and Shin, but then she dismissed that thought.

The more she hopes, the more disappointed she will be. She should keep her expectations to a minimum.

Smoothing Bora's hair, Siyeon shivered because Bora’s eyes were wavering.

She is slowly waking up.


SuA opened her eyes, her current vision was the white ceiling of the room, the blurry image gradually became clearer. Her gaze moved to the right, she saw the moon through the window.

Now is the evening….

SuA looked to the right and saw a girl sitting on the bed staring at her.

Siyeon had tears in her eyes and wanted to hug the other person but didn't dare. She sat motionless like a statue.

- Oh….. – SuA hesitated.

- Do you remember me?

- ……… - SuA squinted her eyes at the image of the beautiful girl in front of her. She really didn't know that girl, but she didn't have the heart to answer.

Maybe because she saw that girl on the verge of tears, she felt hurt about this.

- Bora…..

- How do you know my name?

- ………….. – Siyeon blinked, Bora still remembered her name, but not Siyeon’s.

The effects of Oddeye solution are truly too toxic.

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