chapter 30

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Chapter 30

SuA came home in a bad mood, she didn't bother eating dinner, took out a bottle of wine from the cupboard and drank. In front of her was the sparkling and bustling city of Seoul, but nothing could make her happier.

She planned to go home to find the pair of rings she had bought in Hong Kong, and she would give them to Siyeon as a reconciliation gift.

Siyeon told her about that ring when they were in Piri, then she went home and looked for that pair of rings because she was so curious. It is a ring from Meez, a high-end jewelry brand in Hong Kong. SuA also reviewed her purchase history via email. She learned that she bought that pair of rings for 10 million won.

So 6 months ago, she went to Hong Kong, bought a pair of very expensive rings to give to Siyeon and the two of them would wear couple rings, she felt that she herself was very romantic. Now 9 months have passed, the ring has been bought but no one has worn it yet.

And now she treats Siyeon like a heartless person, no wonder why Siyeon is angry with her.

SuA was lost in sad thoughts when Handong came home.

- Hello, oh, are you drinking? – Handong was surprised.

- Come here and drink together - SuA took another glass.

Handong thought it was simply because SuA had just finished dinner and was free to drink alcohol. She knew that this girl was passionate about alcohol and drank as a habit. SuA clinked glasses with Handong, drank a few glasses but remained silent without saying anything, making Handong wonder.

- Do you have any concerns?

- No, nothing - SuA shook her head slightly.

- Why are there so few words today?

- Handong, what do you think about me?

Handong laughed loudly.

- You're such an idiot.

- What?

- How many times do I have to tell you that I really like you before you remember?

- ……… - SuA sighed.

- I thought you had a heart of stone, so I didn't expect much, until I learned that you had loved a girl in the past, so I could be a little happier, lucky, not a guy. Now being with you every day like this makes me happy.

- Have you ever loved anyone?

- When I was in China, I dated a girl but broke up, that person betrayed me and went on a date with someone else.

- Handong, let's go on a date.

- Huh? – Handong was shocked, her eyes widened as she looked at the other person.

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