Chapter Eleven: Avalyn

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Leaving California marked a significant turning point for me. The transformation I underwent left me feeling fundamentally altered, as if shedding an old skin and emerging anew. Now, I inhabit my body with a newfound sense of ownership and awareness. I am no longer the same person I once was, and I recognize that I cannot continue to live as though I am. It's time for change, both outwardly and within, as I embrace the evolution of my being.

The mere thought of any of my past friends getting hurt gnaws at me, a visceral fear twisting in my gut. The possibility that they could be taken back to a facility, forced to endure more of those awful experiments, is something I can't bear to contemplate. I wish, more than anything, that they could just leave it all alone, let the past remain buried. But I understand that this isn't just about me. Idalia's actions have left scars, irreversibly altering Sophie's life. If Sophie sees fit to seek retribution by removing Idalia from the world, who am I to stand in her way?

While Idalia may offer me some utility, I have no doubt in my ability to handle WWA on my own. I've gleaned all the knowledge I could from her, absorbing every lesson she had to offer. Though I've developed an odd fondness for the woman, I won't hesitate to prioritize Sophie's need for vengeance. My allegiance to Idalia extends only as far as the terms we agreed upon from the outset- an arrangement based on mutual benefit. She has made it abundantly clear that she operates under the same understanding, and I have no illusions about the depth of our bond beyond our shared interests.

In the end, my allegiance lies with those who have stood by me- with Sophie, not with any transient alliances forged along the way. If Sophie seeks closure and retribution, I'll support her without hesitation, even if it means severing ties with Idalia.

While I understand Sophie's reliance on Cierien and Wrath for survival, I harbor no resentment towards her for it. However, when it comes to Cierien and Wrath themselves, my feelings are markedly different. I no longer feel bound by any sense of loyalty to them. They can fend for themselves; I owe them nothing- just like Idalia.

"What do you see?" Idalia's voice echoes through the earpiece.

I take a moment to survey the scene from my vantage point on the opposite side of the house, my voice barely above a whisper as I respond, "Fountains of booze, just as I expected, and a copious amount of people indulging from said fountain." Disgust colors my tone. "Seems like everyone loses their elegance when they consume too much poison. Even the wealthy can't escape their own folly."

The people surrounding me seem to be more interested in spilling alcohol on the floor than drinking it themselves. Their drunken antics are becoming increasingly obnoxious, revealing their true colors in the process. It's clear that alcohol has stripped away any veneer of sophistication, leaving behind nothing but a chaotic mess of foolish behavior.

I hear Idalia exhale softly, a sign of agreement. "Same here. Drunk, old, rich folks overindulging in booze. At least that makes it easier for us to snoop around. How many guards do you see?" she inquires.

I tilt my head to the side, casually lifting a glass of champagne to my lips as I discreetly scan the overly opulent room. "One positioned by each doorway. Four guards in total in this room," I report quietly.

"Three in this one."

"That's not much when you consider how many people are in this house," I point out.

"Indeed, it is not. Lucky us," she responds.

"Lucky us," I echo, a wry smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

If this is WWA's idea of increased security, I shudder to think what it was like before. It seems they're more focused on maintaining secrecy about these events rather than actually guarding them. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of guards present, and if someone were to become aware of our presence, it could pose a problem. But, it's nothing we can't handle if need be.

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